Chapter 25

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I heard one of my babies cry making tears fill my eyes.

"It's a boy." Bradley smiled.

"There's one boy."

We actually didn't find out the sex of the babies. We wanted it to be a surprise with the rest of the pregnancy.

"We're getting a girl." I told him. I felt tugging and pulling as they pulled out another baby.

"A girl."

"There's my girl." I cried.

"One more Alison." I heard the doctor say as the last baby was being pulled from me.

"Another boy." Bradley leaned down pressing his lips to mine kissing me softly.

"I love you so much. I'm so proud of you."

"I love you too. Go see them and take pictures."
He kissed my forehead again before going to see our babies.

(Bradley's pov)

I walked over to the triplets were. They were getting hooked up to their wires and hats on their tiny little heads. The boy's had a blue or a green hat, while my princess was wearing her pink hat. She is sure going to be in trouble when she's older with her brothers and especially me.

"Hi babies, I'm your daddy. I know it's a little scary now, but I promise everything is okay. You will get to see mommy soon. I love you three."

I took pictures of them before they were taken while I went to the waiting room for where everyone was waiting. Ryan was the first one to stand and look at me.

"They are all doing well. Ali did an amazing job, their taking her up to her room so she can rest now, and the babies are going to the NICU."

"Tell us what they are." I smiled at Mickey who was standing up now.

"Two boys and a girl. Shiloh for a girl and the boys are Harley and Sawyer."

"Awe when can we see them?"

"I'm not sure yet. I think Ali wants to see them first which probably won't be until later, but I have pictures." They all crowded around me as I showed them the pictures.

"They are so cute." Tylor gushed.

"Thank you and thank you guys for coming I will send out updates later on. I'm going to head up and see my wife."

"Can we come for a minute?" Ryan asked.

"Sure." Ryan wrapped his arm around Tylor and Mickey.

"We will come back tomorrow. Congrats daddy."

"Thanks mom, I love you."

"Love you too." I hugged my parents and sister before going up to see my wife. I walked in her room finding her giving hugs to everyone.

"Get over here and let me see the pictures." I smiled walking over so she could see the pictures of our babies.

"They are so perfect." She whispered.

"They are and you will get to see them a little later."

"I feel so empty without them. I miss them."

"I know babe, just rest okay." She nodded looking at her parents and sister.

"We'll let you rest and come back later okay. Call me if you need anything." Tylor got up kissing her forehead and so did Mickey.

"Daddy." He smiled wrapping his arms around her.

"Love you Ali girl. You did amazing and you're going to be amazing."

"Love you too daddy, thank you." He kissed her forehead then they left and I took the seat closet to her.

"Ali bear." I saw the tears in her eyes. I moved closer cradling her head.

"Breathe Ali." I heard her take a breath, but still held onto me while I held her the best I could. I know she missing her mom more than anything right now. I wish there was something I could do. Hopefully she will just fall asleep, so she can rest then we can go see our babies.

(Ali's pov)

"Bradley." I whispered yelled tying to wake him. He stirred letting out a snore. I was sore, but I really needed to see my babies. The pictures weren't enough. I know I'm not going to be able to hold them just yet, but I can still see them.

"Bradley." I yelled more loudly and he looked at me.

"I want to see my babies."

"I'll get the doctors." I nodded and he left to go get the doctors. Having them not in my belly makes me feel so empty, and I feel so far away from them. Bradley came back in the room coming over to me, sitting down while the doctor came in pulling up my chart.

"How you feeling Alison?"

"Empty, I want to see my babies."

"I think you should rest."

"I can't, I need to see them please." I tried to plead with him.

"Are you feeling any pain?"

"I can handle it."

"Babe." Bradley looked at me worried.

"You got to see them, I haven't. I promise I'm fine."

"Fine I'll get a wheelchair."

"Thank you." I smiled as I turned to look at my husband who looked exhausted.

"I love you."

"I love you too." He pecked my lips then a nurse came in with a wheelchair and Bradley helped me. It hurt like hell, but I didn't care I was going to see my babies.

We went up to the nursery and went inside. I saw my name on three incubators where Bradley took me over to them. I gasped when I finally saw all three of them. All three of them were hooked up to wires, but they were still perfect.

"Hi babies, I'm your mommy." One of the boys' turned their head and looked at me.

"Hi Sawyer." I said softly as I leaned in touching his tiny little hand.

"I love you. Everything is going to be okay. You're a fighter." I turned and saw Bradley with Shiloh. Her tiny fingers wrapped around his fingers.

"Starting early huh baby girl." I smiled moving over to her now. She looked like me of course and my mom.

"Looks like it's me and you against three boys. Love you princess." I gave her hand a squeeze before moving over to Harley who was asleep.

"Hi Harley, I love you. You know you look so much like your daddy. Very handsome." It was so unreal seeing all three of them, but I was so blessed to have them.

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