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Juliette folded her legs in front of her, leaning back against her fluffy pillows. She always thought it would be fun to drink coffee in bed, but she wasn't allowed to have coffee. Instead, she savored the first few minutes of the morning, warm and comfortable with her thick, soft blanket wrapped around her. The thought of getting to see Noah again was just the motivation she needed to get up and start the day, even though, to the best of her knowledge, she didn't have anything to do.

She slid out of bed and pulled open her closet doors, surveying the dozens of dresses hanging in front of her. All of them were soft, pastel colors. Like a sea of flowers. Nothing at all like the bold colors Odette wore, which was just fine with Juliette.

"She won't let me out in public, but still cares about what I wear," Juliette muttered to herself, shaking her head and pulling a floor-length, sea-green dress. The sleeves were cinched at the wrists, and the waist was gathered with a simple tie.

Sitting down at her vanity, she began the tedious process of brushing through her hair, working the knots and tangles free until it hung in loose waves. She should have asked Noah when he would start working again. She just assumed he'd be starting right away, but maybe he didn't.

Juliette studied herself in the mirror, trying to call up a smile. She hoped seeing Noah last night would snap her out of whatever funk she'd been in for the past few weeks, but there was still a hollowness sin her chest. Soemthing still felt... off.

Stepping out into the hallway, Juliette fixed the sleeves around her wrist as she started forward. A shadow caught her attention, and she almost jumped at seeing two of Odette's guards starting toward her.

"You're wanted in the medical wing, Your Highness," one of them said.

Juliette clenched her hands into fists. She thought to push back, to fight and scream, to resist them when they would no doubt pick her up. But what would that do? It would tire her out, and force Dr. Violet to put her to sleep again.

Besides, Juliette wanted to sneak away at some point to work on the ship since she was free to roam the palace again, so she'd need all her physical strength and mental capacity she could muster.

"Fine." She steeled herself, starting down the corridor toward the medical wing.

As she walked, her eyes wandered toward the windows, at the brightening sky. She used to always hope the sun would shine bright enough to break through the clouds and melt the snow.

Natasha was waiting for Juliette just outside the infirmary. Her hair was slicked back in a tight bun at the nape of her neck, and her floor-length cloak hardly moved when she walked. It must have been heavy. So much of Odette's palace décor was black. Evidently, that had extended now to Natasha.

Juliette neared the infirmary the blood drained from her fingers, turning her hands to blocks of ice. She glanced at Natasha, whose face was partially hidden behind her brocade cloak.

"Your Highness," Natasha murmured, offering Juliette a sympathetic smile. She cocked her head to the side. "Your sister filled me in on everything."

Juliette blinked. Tilted her head. Filled her in on what?

The sliding glass doors hissed open as Natasha led her back through the maze of corridors to her usual room. A table lined with tissue paper was sprawled out in the middle. A row of cabinets, counters, and computers lined one of the walls.

It was the same room she'd been in for years, yet there was something different about it. Something darker.

Juliette sank down on the table and folded her hands together, tapping the back of her foot against the metal legs. She glanced at Natasha, who, as she often was, was typing furiously away on her tablet.

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