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"Jimin! It's soo great to see you!" Jeongyeon's mother wrapped her arms around me with a wide smile, "look at how much you've grown!"

"It's really nice to see you again" I bowed my head the second she let go of me, "I'm glad to be here."

"So Jimin" Her father kept his eyes on me folding his arms across his chest, "I hope you're taking care of my daughter and treating her well."

"Of course sir" I reassured him earning a loud sigh from beside me, "I will do anything for Jeongyeon, you can put your trust in me."

"Dad can you quit the act?" Jeongyeon rolled her eyes, "he's just messing with you, he was really excited to see you."

"Let me have some fun would you?" Her father broke out a smile patting my back gently, "it's nice to have you here Jimin."

"Thank you again" I almost had a heart attack at his words.

"The food is almost ready so why don't you show Jimin around the house Jeong" Her mother requested as she took hold of my hand.

"There's not much to the house but why not"Jeongyeon shrugged in my direction.

We headed down the hall stopping in front a door at the end of the hall.

"Before I show you my room please be aware it's a little messy" Her eyebrows furrowed at the statement.

"Dude I live with 6 guys are you seriously saying that right now?" My lips pursed out as she scoffed turning the knob on the door.

My eyes widened at the huge mess all around.

Piles and piles of clothes scattered on the floor along with old notebooks and shoes.

Candy wrappers and other snacks on her mattress, the pillows and blankets completely disheveled.

"Let me just" Jeongyeon kicked her way through setting out a trail for me to follow behind her, "yeah I told you it was bad."

"Jeez Jeong what happened in here? Weren't you here last week? How is this even possible!" This was actually concerning me a little.

"Look that week was rather rough for me and this was my safe space" She explained trying her best to shove everything out of our way, "and the fact that I was alone almost everyday did not help either."

"Well you're not alone anymore so that will never happen again" I pressed my lips against hers, "but seriously I know you're all about cleanliness this is insane."

"Alright I get it" Her hands pressed against my back pushing me out of the room, "It'll be as good as new before we leave."

I chuckled at her response, "I'll help you if anything."

"Thanks that's highly appreciated Park" Her eyes rolled, "I have to use the restroom give me a second."

Jeongyeon walked off a few doors down into the restroom.

I took a deep sigh hearing small conversations from the kitchen.

"She is not staying here you hear me?" Her mother tried her best to whisper.

"Seungyeon is our daughter too we can't just leave her out in the streets!" Her father intruded.

"You know the problems she's brought to our household?" I was beginning to get a little concerned hoping Jeongyeon wouldn't step out and hear any of this, "especially with Jeongyeon, you cannot tell me she has had it the worst, Seungyeon takes advantage of her do you think she deserves to keep suffering because her sister keeps lying to her?"

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