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We were standing in front of a huge ass mansion. I quickly let go of Mr. Malfoy's hand.

"This way L/N." He walked up the long driveway to the front door. I followed him. I cant believe that Severus came to my house. I reached into my pocket to check that the letter was still there. It was. When we got to the front door Mr. Malfoy held it open for me. I stepped into the house. It reminded me a bit of Severus house but more lived in and bigger. Mr. Malfoy stepped in behind me. "Draco." He called out.

Draco emerged from the room on the right. He smiled when he saw me. I gave him a small smile.

"Hey." He said to me.


"Well Draco, I am going to go find your mother. I will see you two at dinner." Mr. Malfoy turned to me. "That is, if you are staying?" Asked Mr. Malfoy. I looked at Draco and he nodded.

"Ummm yes if that's alright." I said.

"Of course it is. I will see you two then." He walked through the room on our left. I pulled out my phone and checked the time. It was three pm. I thought it was morning....

"So do you want to go upstairs? The owls are up there." I nodded. He started up the stairs and I followed him.

We got to one of the towers. They had a few owls in there. Draco turned to me.

"Pick whatever one you want."

"Which one is the fastest?" Draco thought for a moment.

"Probably this one." He walked over to a black owl and pointed at it. I walked over to the owl and tied my letter to its leg. The owl took off through one of the open arches.

"Thanks for letting me use an owl."

"Eh it's no problem. Well, do you want to go hang out in my room? There aren't many other places to hang out." He added.


We walked to Draco's room. Inside were lots of Slytherin colors and some quidditch things. His room is huge. Like, five of Severus' rooms. I pushed the thought away. I didn't want to think about him or his house ever again.

Draco walked over and sat against the headboard of his bed. I followed him over and sat cross legged across from him.

"So how was your summer so far?" He asked. I shrugged.

"I don't know."

"I am sure you have many stories to tell about how awful Snape is." I shrugged again. We were silent for a few moments. "So," Draco said. "Why did you leave Snape's house?" I felt tears pricking my eyes but I refused to let them fall.

"I was homesick." 

Draco looked confused. "But you're not even home right now."

"I needed to use an owl."

"Oh. Well do you want to go ho-"

"No!" I said quickly.

"Oh. Ok." Neither of us spoke for a moment. "So what stories do you have about Snape?"

"I don't want to talk about him."

"Alright. Well, do you want to hear about my summer?"


Draco started talking about his summer and how he traveled to, to, umm well I wasn't paying attention. I was too busy thinking about Severus and trying not to cry.

A knock sounded at the door, interrupting Draco. The door opened and a woman who I presumed is Draco's mom. She smiled at us.

"Hello Y/N I am Draco's mother." I gave her a small smile back for it was the only one I could conjure up at the moment.

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