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-_|Chapter 6|_-

CW: mature language, mentions of torture
Word count: 1320


What in the fuck? What is this shit? Y/n stared at the poster hanging on her door, wordlessly. banquet? There was an image of the Egg. Meaning it was somehow connected with soon to be Omelettepire. Are they hosting a banquet? And she's invited? Nahhhh, she didn't agree to this shit, nope. She's not doing this. Fuck you. She thought and ripped the paper in two, entering her house. Why the hell is this even banquet held for? For so called 'peace' as it was described in the flyer? Sure, she's dumb sometimes but not that dumb to fall for that. And suddenly, she remembered about something- Pinky, the axolotl. She forgot to feed him today. Oh shit. Y/n quickly got some fish and headed to the pool, the one that was near her house. When she got there, she was met with an interesting sight. There sat Sapnap, next to the pool, the axolotl swimming casually in the water, not bothered by his presence. Also, there was a panda on the ground, eating the bamboo next to Sapnap. Huh. He was known for killing pets. So what the fuck- is he not going to kill them? She just watched as he patted the panda on it's head, laughing lightly. The panda didn't protest.

"Sapnap?" His laughter instantly died down and he visibly tensed up. His head whipped around, looking at who it was.
"Oh, Y/n. What are you doing here?"
"I'm- I live here, plus I wanted to feed the axolotl."
"This one? Is he your pet?"
"Um, not exactly, I just found him in the cave and since then I take care of him. That's all."
"What's his name then?"
"Pinky... he's so cute." He definitely hit his head somewhere, it's not his usual behaviour- "Why are you standing there? Weren't you going to feed him? Do it, he's probably hungry."
"Oh, yeah- right." She nodded, opening the lid of the container with fish in it. She sat next to Sapnap, who just hummed lightly. "Hey there." She smiled when the axolotl recognised her, squealing. She rubbed his head with the tips of her fingers, then started feeding him. They both watched as the axolotl happily ate. "So, um, what are you doing here?"

"Me? I just came to look for pandas, I found one and on the way, I found your guy. I couldn't walk past him because he was so damn adorable." It drew a chuckle from Y/n.
"You like pandas?"
"I absolutely adore them." His lips twitched into a small smile. "They're my favourite."
"Oh, I see. Does this guy have a name or something?" Y/n pointed at the panda.
"Oh, no, he was just following me around after I gave him some bamboo to eat."
"Is he going to be your pet?"
"Are you kidding me? Of course no!" A lie. Sapnap found the panda very adorable, he was considering taming it and keeping it as a pet, actually.
"Alright then." She refocused on the axolotl who finished eating by now and continued swimming freely in the pool.
"Hey, Y/n."
"What is it?"

"You found your soulmate?" This question caught her off guard. She felt his gaze on herself.
"Oh- yeah, yeah I did."
"Who is it?"
"Um, try to guess." Oh God, I hope he doesn't get it right.
"Is it Dream?" Fuck. Shit. Goddamit. Y/n nodded hesitantly. "I knew it." Sapnap huffed out. "I'd never forget his eye colour. So you've visited him in the prison or something, right?" Sapnap continued his pressure.
"I did."
"And how's he there?" Y/n's brain stuttered to stop. And how was she supposed to answer that? If she told him that Dream is getting hurt, there was a chance of Sapnap feeling a sympathy for Dream, his old friend and helping them out. Or, he'd just start pressuring Sam about that and Sam would know that she told Sapnap that. Or, he already knew about the current situation and was just asking her about Dream's wellbeing in overall. Think, think, think. She decided to go for a risk.

"Sapnap, do you know that... Dream's getting tortured there every day?" Sapnap's eyes widened in horror.
"What?" Oh, so he didn't know.
"By Quackity."
"What? By Quackity? Quackity? Explain right now." Y/n puffed out a sigh, ready to explain everything.
"So basically, Quackity made some kind of deal with Sam, so no one would know that Dream's getting tortured every day. I came to visit him before this torture shit started and he was fine, but when I visited him after that, he was in fatal state. And Sam threatened me that if I tell anyone about that, I won't be able to see Dream, my soulmate ever again. And I just told you, so-"
"Wait, wait, wait, so you're saying that Quackity is doing all this?"
"But why?"

"I don't know. Revenge maybe?" Sapnap's brain refused to consume this information. Quackity? Our of all people he knew? There's no way, he couldn't. This is all a lie. Sapnap buried his hands on his hair, scowling.
"You're lying. Quackity would never do something like that."
"Why would I lie?"
"You're trying to break Dream out because he's your soulmate." Oh- "And you want me to feel pity and help you out."
"Sapnap, what the hell are you talking about?" It was her turn to scowl. "I know it's hard to accept but-"
"I know, Quackity was disappearing a lot lately, but not- he wouldn't do that. He wouldn't." Poor boy was so conflicted. If she was speaking the truth, then- then, his old friend is in fatal danger. If she's lying, it would still ignite the spark of untrust in him towards Quackity. He felt guilty for believing her and not trusting Quackity at the same time. One side in him was screaming that she's lying but the other side was yelling that she's speaking the truth. He didn't know what to believe. Y/n remained silent, watching him.

"Sapnap, whatever you do, just please don't confront Sam or Quackity about that, it'll worsen the entire situation with Dream." And with that, she rose to her feet, ready to leave. He didn't stop her, he was too consumed in his thoughts. Sapnap let out a frustrated groan, pulling his hair lightly, trying to think of something to distract himself for now, because if he didn't, he felt like he'll explode.


This didn't help. Not at all. All he did was to lay in his bed, rethinking her words over and over again. Was she lying? Even if she wasn't, he still couldn't bring himself to help her out. He promised Dream, that he'll kill him if he ever escaped. But...Dream used to be his friend, a childhood friend. He felt sympathy towards him, even after the betrayal. Their bond wasn't just destroyed, yet. He was feeling guilty for leaving it be, for letting him suffer, if she was speaking truth. Sure, Dream deserved to be locked up, but not this. Maybe this all was a lie. But again, he didn't know. But it did have an effect on him, it lit the spark of hesitation and untrust towards Quackity and Sam in him. And now, all he wanted was to meet Dream. Or Quackity, so he could interrogate him. But Y/n said to not do that. Sapnap missed both of his friends. Both, Quackity and Dream. He wanted to make sure that Dream is okay in there. And make sure that Quackity wasn't involved in this all. He didn't know whose side he was on. He decided to visit Dream later and attempt to find Quackity. It was for the best, for now. Who knew what is going to happen to them.


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