Chapter 15

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This chapter is rewritten for most part and I've added a new flashback for more context why Troy's suddenly behaving this way around Cristine. Hope to read you guy's thoughts about this.



"You didn't have to come." Cristine glanced at Troy, driving behind the steering wheel. The dust billowed from the truck's sides, and the dessert heat sweltered on the skin. The temperature was so high that even the air was hot on their tongues.

"I wanted to come," Cristine answered with a shrug and wiped the back of her damp neck with the sleeve of her jacket. It was a few days after the deciding battle against the Nation. Walker and his people up and left, and Troy and the militia didn't sit still. They went by to their abandoned outposts, armed and battle-ready, to scout the locations. Technically, Phil Mcarthy owned the land and areas, and now by extension, it belonged to the Survivalists Broke Jaw Ranch. The lookout posts were perfect for the militia to use and gave them enough elevation. Jeremiah wanted to have them reinstated as one of their primary defense stations like they were before.

Since the Nation's appearance, Cristine hadn't gone back to either outpost Alpha or Beta again. Beta had been hers for weeks and became her new home. It wasn't until she decided to return to the Ranch that she could let it go. "I haven't been here since the day Charlie died," Cristine murmured in realization, and her expression faltered.

Troy didn't respond immediately, but he snuck a glance at the woman next to him. "The things they did to Phil and his team at the outpost. At least we finally got the chance to properly bury their remains," Troy said and tapped the leather steering wheel with his finger.

"Yeah." Cristine's voice was a bit hoarse, and she scratched her finger against the fabric of her pants. It took another hour before Troy parked the truck near her old outpost. It was empty, the land not as well-maintained as before. The crops were gone, and the once fortified fences were broken down by force. Drawing their rifles, the duo began to hike the perimeters for living or dead.

Cristine's focused gaze veered across the run-down rails and felt her stomach squeeze lightly. Jake, Charlie, and Blake helped her build the border. Tied old cans as an alarm for the unwelcome company. Pursing her lips, she pointed the end of her gun inside the empty barn before she slowly lowered it.

"It's all clear." Troy rounded the other side with his raised gun. He gave Cristine a once over and suspiciously asked, "you good?"

Cristine answered distractedly and scratched her throat, "coming back here- I didn't think it'd be this hard. Seeing all of it and what they actually did to outpost Alpha. Walker should be dead." Cristine had barely been on the field herself, so she saw the aftermath of everything, and seeing all the death and violence left her a bit stuped.

Troy chewed on the side of his lip before resting his weapon around his body. He took some steps forward towards Cristine until he, too, faced the barn and looked inside. Whatever of value once stored inside was now gone. Empty buckets, toolboxes, and other useless objects were either tipped over or discarded.

"You made the right choice," Troy blurted out and finished in a hushed murmur before clarifying, "not returning to this place, I mean." He looked in the direction of the wooden shack, and something cold flashed in his eyes before dissolving.

Cristine followed his gaze but didn't say anything in response to his comment. Instead, she moved, and her boots scraped over the rough and sandy surface before walking the direction of the cabin.

Troy's jaw tensed, but he eventually followed Cristine inside, watched her walk around, and grabbed some of her stuff. He looked around the place stiffly. He didn't like this place simply because it was what made Troy lose his grip on Cristine. Made her weak and flee from menial problems. It was during a time when Troy vouched and picked Cristine as a worthy member of the community. When they were building the Ranch to a better place.

The World We Live In | 𝚃. 𝙾𝚃𝚃𝙾 ♤Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora