Chapter 29

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The Ranch bustled with activity. Militia members scurried around, preparing their gear, checking weapons, and managing supplies for the impending water run. In the organized chaos, Cristine stood near the infirmary tent, her eyes fixed on Hayley, who distributed the medical kits they prepped for the group. She smiled. A surge of pride swelled in her chest as she watched her sister, a testament to how far Hayley had come to support her on the Ranch here. Their bond, strengthened by shared responsibilities, was a source of comfort amidst their many challenges. It was good not having to do everything by herself. Cristine couldn't fight against the yawn that spilled from her lips and covered her mouth. Her weariness caught up, her eyelids heavy from the little sleep. She and Troy made it late last night, and the two didn't return until a couple of hours ago and got ready for the morning. While she stood by herself at the infirmary tent, Alicia approached her with two cups of coffee, her keen gaze noticing Cristine's exhaustion.

"Rough night?" Alicia remarked, her voice puzzled before she handed the older woman a cup.

Cristine offered Alicia a small, grateful smile before accepting the coffee. She brushed off her weariness with a shrug. "Late night," Cristine replied, her voice a bit scratchy, hinting at fatigue.

Alicia nodded quietly, not saying more before her gaze flickering toward the bustling militia. "It's been a while since we had to do such a big run like this again," she said, attempting to shift the conversation to something that impacted the whole Ranch.

Cristine nodded, appreciating Alicia's changing the topic. "Yeah, Otto kept stretching it in the hopes of rain finally falling and filling the lake again, but it seems nature is still testing us." She sipped from the coffee and savored the taste.

A subtle shift in Alicia's demeanor caught Cristine's attention as the two continued their conversation. Alicia's once-engaged expression became distant, and her blue eyes fixated on a distant point where the shadows of the morning played on the ground. Something caught Alicia's attention, and her gaze drifted past Cristine, landing on two figures in the distance.

Following her line of sight, Cristine spotted Troy and Jake engrossed in conversation. But the tension between the two was palpable even from afar. The edge of Cristine's mouth twitched, and she clenched her cup hard. Cristine looked back at Alicia to mask her growing unease. "Family. You can't live with or without them."

Alicia sighed; her shoulders were tense, but her stare remained locked on the brothers. "Jake's taken on more responsibilities from his father. It's put a lot of strain on him. Also, I don't think Troy's handling that particular change well."

Feeling the need to support her boyfriend though subtly, Cristine said, "I didn't get it at first either, but the people here are survivalists and practice self-sustainment. There's a lasting drought, and they have to depend on the outside for their basic resources. These are hard times for the militia, too. For all of us." The past weeks' rapid internal and external changes had strained things even more in the dysfunctional Otto clan. Other than their father's worsening condition, which Jake and Troy have ignored until now, their opposing views on how to lead the Ranch didn't help either. It created an even larger rift in their already messy relationship.

Alicia's eyes clouded with a light frown. She fumbled with her cup, and her fingers traced the edges thoughtfully. Finally, Alicia looked back at Cristine. "Troy dropped by this morning," She revealed. "It wasn't good."

Cristine pushed her shoulders back, and her expression stayed neutral, although she didn't add to Alicia's revelation. She knew what the two had discussed, as she had been the one who encouraged Troy to talk to Jake about the situation.

Alicia watched Cristine's nearly non-responsive reaction. Then, a sigh left her mouth. "You don't have to pretend, Cristine," Alicia said. "But thank you for convincing him to come to Jake."

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