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I walked away from the desk and starting walking towards the stables. I looked around for Toby, my boyfriend. I went to Boxer's stall and saw him drinking water out of his pail, "Hey there Box-" I was cut off when two hands covered my eyes. I squealed, and noticed the soft smell of cinnimon. A smile curled on my lips, "Toby!!" I said. I whipped around to see the shimmering green eyes of Toby. He wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed me. He pulled away, laughing, "Hello, Sweetheart." He said. I punched him in the arm, "Why do you always do that!" I said, laughing. He pulled out a tulip from nowhere, "Because I can. Want to go for a ride?" He asked. I took the tulip, "Duh." I popped it in my pocket.

I followed Toby, (who was on his horse, Smoke.) down the dirt trail. The birds were chirping, and sunshine shone brightly through the trees. Toby stopped near a tall oak tree, and hopped off Smoke. I shrugged and got off Boxer. He was leaning on the tree, "Do you think we'll get married, Y/N?" I stood behind him, "Uh.. I don't really know..." I said. I don't know why he was already asking about marriage. He turned, "If I asked would you say yes?" He asked.He walked towards me and placed his right hand on my cheek, "Maybe." I shifted nervously. He kneeled down, and I felt my cheeks go bright red, "What are you doing?" I said quietly, "Y/N, I love you so much." He fumbled in his pocket, "I know you do, and I love you too." He pulled out a small purple leather box. He opened it, and a small,rose gold, diamond ring, with a gold band sat comfortably inside. My hand flew up and cupped over my mouth. My eyes welled up with tears, "Y/N Y/L/N, We have been dating for two whole years, and they have been the best years of my life. Will you marry me?" I smiled, "Yes...." I said, He smiled, stood up, and took my hand. He slid the ring slowly onto my ring finger. He wrapped his arms around me and kissed me. I kissed him back, though I was unsure why I said yes, even though I loved him, but I wasn't sure I was ready for marriage yet.

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