Chapter 3

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Art by Puoski!

"Alright hon, come at me! And don't hold back!"

Mistleheart takes a few steps backwards and glares at Icepaw challengingly, a smirk on her face.

Icepaw growls and throws herself at her aunt, ramming into her and attempting to pin her down. Mistleheart kicks at the black apprentice's stomach, knocking her off balance. Icepaw grunts and rolls back onto her paws.

"Nice shot. But NOT GOOD ENOUGH!" Icepaw smiles devilishly and slams her paws into Mistleheart's belly, causing the silver she cat to wince in surprise.

"Alright alright, you win. I'm not as quick as I used to be." She lifts herself onto her paws and shakes the snow out of her fur. "Having kits has messed with me."

"Thanks for the advice! I'll never have them, then." Icepaw sits down and starts grooming herself. "Sounds like a pain. Not only physically, but just in general."

"They can be a pain at times," Mistleheart sighs. "But I love them all greatly. No matter how annoying they may be."

"I'm still sorry about uncle Heronfire. He shouldn't have ditched all of us like that."

"Eh, just as long as none of my kits turn out to be like him, I'll be content." Mistleheart stretches and starts making her way back to the nursery. "They already know that their father is a traitor. They know not to be like him."

Icepaw stands up too. "It's probably weird not having a father figure for them though, right? Flythroat would visit the nursery all the time when I was a kit."

"They have me, they'll be fine. But.. maybe you could watch them sometime. Have fun at the gathering, Icepaw."

Icepaw watches Mistleheart disappear into the nursery. Once she's gone, she sighs.

Why would Heronfire leave FrostClan like that? Just because Mistleheart was expecting his kits? That's honestly so cruel. Even the smallest kits know that parents are important.

She makes her way into the middle of camp, and sits beside Gullpaw. The gray tabby peeks at her and moves away a little, clearly uncomfortable with her.

Great. How hard is it to make friends?? I haven't made a single one, and I've been an apprentice for six moons already.

"Alright, everyone ready to move out?" Burrstar leaps down from the highrock. FrostClan yowls in approval, and starts following their leader into the forest.

As Icepaw walks, she faintly sees Gullpaw shaking in the corner of her eye.

Is he alright?

"What's wrong, buddy?" Icepaw turns her gaze to him. He freezes.

"I-I...- Nothing's wrong!" Gullpaw slowly looks her up and down nervously.

"Aww, are you nervous?"

Petaltooth suddenly appears from behind Icepaw and curls her tail around the quivering apprentice. "I know you just became an apprentice today. All of this must be absolutely nerve wrecking..."

"I-I'm not nervous!" Gullpaw pouts and looks away.

"Come on, walk with me. How about I teach you how gatherings work? I'm a professional."

"Uh.. alright... But not because I'm nervous or anything!"

Petaltooth shoots Icepaw a little smirk as she leads Gullpaw off with her tail.

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