Chapter 11

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Art by GreatSylveon2007 and Sm0lCatfish 

TW: Alcohol, Suggestive Language

This is NOT what I wanted.

Moons upon moons have passed. All throughout that time, Icewillow has been causing havoc to other cats. Her favorite tactic was manipulating through either approaching one in the overworld, or through dreams.

She'd manipulated Jaggedcoat into insanity by using the flowers Blackwish once taught her of, horribly poisoning him yet keeping him alive with her power to continue his suffering. During his attempted treatment, Icewillow took over a young black tom in an attempt to form a second deep relationship with Buzzardcry. Once Maggot was gone, she grew even closer with him and became mates with him moons later.

Despite having Buzzardcry to herself now, something felt wrong. When they cuddled every night side by side in the elders den, Icewillow didn't feel as if she had accomplished her goal.

"Hey, Buzzardcry?" Icewillow speaks in Crowsky's voice, looking down at the black paws of her new body. "May I go on a walk with you, dear?"

I need to make sure he really loves me, and not.. Crowsky. Do I tell him who I am? Would he believe me? Would he FORGIVE me?

"I don't see why not!" Buzzardcry shakes his old body off and stands up. Icewillow rises as well, and intertwines tails with him. They step outside, the cold breeze of leafbare immediately coating them.

Buzzardcry shivers. "C-Cold, isn't it?" The two leave camp and look around at the snow decorated trees.

"Yeah, but at least the trees are pretty." Icewillow kicks at the snow a little, feeling slightly at home with it.

"Yeah! Isn't it beautiful?" Buzzardcry skips around, still holding onto his tail.

"Yep, but I still like looking at you more." Icewillow smirks.

"No, silly! That's ridiculous." Buzzardcry laughs a little.

"It's only the truth, darling."

Suddenly, a striped, scrawny brown tom reveals himself to them. His eyes are glowing a soft orange, and his pelt is messy and tangled.

Icewillow's heart drops.


She jumps back, startled. Buzzardcry just stares.

"GAH- ROGUE! ROGUE!" she yells and leaps back, hissing. "GET OUT OF HERE! THIS IS C-C-CLAN TERRITORY!"

Maggot stares into her icy blue eyes.

"I know who you are."


She shrinks a little. "B-BUZZARDCRY! HELP!"

The dark gray tom quickly leaps in front of her, teeth bared.

"Buzzardcry. I want to speak with you alone." Maggot takes a few steps backwards calmly, proving himself to be peaceful.

He glares at him for a few seconds before starting to calm down. "Crowsky, go back to camp."

Icewillow doesn't hesitate to dash away from them at top speed, panicking.


In a hurry, she skids into camp and into the elder's den. She curls up and squeezes her eyes tightly shut.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 14, 2022 ⏰

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