Chapter 3

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Shigaraki POV

After we left I went to the room where the tank was and I was surprised to see everything set up for it already. "Do you want us to fill it now or wait until we put him in it?" The doctor asked. "Wait til he is in it, but give him a little more time. I want to make sure he is ready for this." The doctor nodded and took me to his room. My eyes widened when I seen him. He almost looks like Dabi with all the burns. "I'll give you some time alone with him" the doctor said as he walked away. I went over to his bed and grabbed his hand. I didn't know what to say or do but I couldn't stop the tears I took his wedding ring off and sat it next to the bed on the table. I sat there listening to the beeps of the machines as I held his hand for about 25 minutes. A knock on the door brought me out of my thoughts I turned to see the league at the door looking at him with teary eyes. They all walked in and surrounded the bed, Dabi took his other hand and we nodded to each other. We will save him. "He looks horrible" Toga whispered. "He will be fine though, we will help him." Twice said as the others agreed. "We won't just help him, we will save him." I said and Dabi smiled softly at me "Yeah we will" he said. We all stayed in silence for a while until we started taking about what to do. "We're going to attack that fucker right?" Spinner asked surprising us a little. "Fuck yeah we are." Compress answered. "But how?" Toga asked and everyone looked at me. "We're going to expose him. The nurse already took pictures of him and made sure there is no evidence of the hospital name anywhere in them. When I give the okay, she will send them under an anonymous email and name to Endeavor, the hero Commission, and his agency. I want him in the tank before we do this though, we're going to wait another day to do it. Then that's when we attack." I explained and they nodded. "It's been about 2 hours now since we left his mother and Bakugo. Let's have them come in and then we will put him in the tank." I said and they nodded.

Dabi went to get them as I sat there with the league, who knew this would happen let alone that I would have fallen for the hero laying in a hospital bed all those years ago. I just want him to be okay, and come to me or just be with me. I'll be his hero, a hero he never had, I will save him. "Oh my baby!" I turned to see Inko crying and running towards Izuku. I let his hand go and stepped back letting his mother see him. Bakugo came up next to her and looked at Izuku in shock. After about 5 minutes Inko turned to us "When does he go?" "Whenever you two are ready, we wanted you too see him before we took him because you won't be able to see him in the tank. Only the doctor and myself if needed other than that we don't allow anyone in there." I told her she looked at Bakugo and nodded. "Heal my baby for me." Inko said holding Izuku's hand. I nodded "I'll have the league take you to the waiting room, then after I'm finished I'll need to talk to both of you." They all nodded and I stepped outside to get the doctor. "He's ready" he nodded as we walked into the room. We had to unhook him to a lot of the stuff but he still had the IV in him until we get there. Once we reached the other room we had to use our finger prints and Face ID to enter. As we got in the doctor started hooking him up as I started the paperwork for him. The paperwork does not go into the system for this, it only stays on paper in this room. Once I filled out all his information I sat it on his bed and help the doctor pick him up and carefully sat him in the tank,but he was extremely light. I kissed his forehead before I nodded to the doctor. He turned everything on and the water started to pour in. We put the lid to the tank back on as we watched the water fill the tank. "It's all ready, I'll stay here for a few to make sure everything goes fine." The doctor told me. I thanked him and made my way to the waiting room everyone was in.

I opened the door and everyone turned to me. "It's done, he will be in there for about 3-7 days. Now for the important talk." I said sitting down. I looked over to Dabi who nodded, he stood up and got everyone's attention on him. "Once Izuku is fully in that tank, we are going to expose Shoto for his crimes. We have pictures of Izuku without the name of the hospital or any proof that we are there. It will all go under an anonymous name and email. We plan to send it all to the police along with his agency and Shoto's." Dabi said and I spoke up again "As for them finding him, it won't be easy. We are on the other side of Japan completely away from the heroes looking for all of you. Now, due to Kurogiris portal taking you and Izuku away they might come looking for us. They believe we are in district 12 where Izuku was this morning. I'm trusting you, Bakugo, to not give them the information you have on us. You tell them my real name they will come here due to me putting Izuku under my real name. All for one made this hospital 100 years ago, the heroes still haven't figured it out and we plan to keep it that way." Bakugo nodded and said he wouldn't say anything about anyone that he wants to keep Izuku safe. I nodded "What if they don't do anything to Shoto?" Inko asked. The league all looked at each other then to her "That's where we come in. And it may put a dent in your hero career but if Bakugo agrees to go to his agency and tell them about Shoto we will send the pictures to him as well. If we fight against him and you fight against us Bakugo we won't go full out and I would hope you wouldn't as well." He shook his head "I'll be completely honest with you, I don't know if I want to return until Izuku is awake, he's the successor of All Might. They will do anything and everything to get the information out of me. Even if it means hitting me with a truth quirk, they will do it. That icy hot bastard will be the first to come at me, he will fight me until I tell him the truth as well. Not like I would, I've hated that bastard since the first day at UA. With him being Endeavors son, endeavor would do anything he can to find Izuku as well. I personally wouldn't trust him with the truth. If I'd trust anyone it would be Aizawa, Endeavor may have a soft spot for Izuku but Icyhot is his masterpiece, which one do you think he will defend?" Bakugo said and Dabi was quick to agree with him.

"Why would he chose an abuser over Izuku?" Inko asked and we all looked at Dabi. He sighed "Because he himself is an abuser as well, just like Shoto. He abused his wife, and his kids. My siblings still think I'm dead and he killed me when I was 12. Sure he's changed but I don't think he has changed enough, if he would go against Shoto, he would be called out for the things he did to his family." Dabi answered and Inko looked shocked. It was silent for a few minutes until Inko spoke again "I know I'm not a hero, but I am a mother. I will be damned if my son doesn't get justice for this. I have stood around his whole life watching him get abused and bullied by others for him being quirkless, now being in an abusive marriage. I will not stand here and do nothing, he never told me anything but this time I will defend my son. He is the number one Hero, him and Katsuki are above Shoto so that has to stand for something right?" We didn't miss the flinch Bakugo did at the mention of him being bullied. "I really can't.." Bakugo said and we all looked at him. "Why not?" Inko asked "Because... I was his main tormentor and bully growing up.. the teachers praised me and told me it was the right thing to do. Icyhot knows that also, he would use that against me. I've changed since then and Izuku and I became best friends but I never did anything like he did. It was mainly just name calling and using my quirk as a fear tactic. I think the worst thing I did to him psychically was explode his hero notebook and burn his uniform on accident. I never fought him until we got into UA." Bakugo said and i nodded "Yeah I know that as well." I said and he looked at me surprised. "Izuku told me a while ago. That was when I first started seeing the signs of abuse on him. He said he would rather deal with middle school you than Shoto." "And just how many times have you two talked without fighting?" Kurogiri asked making me look away. "A lot. Especially within the last couple months." I answered.

We talked a little longer before we decided to go our separate ways. Bakugo said he would be staying until he finds somewhere to go that he can't get tracked at. We offered to have Kurogiri portal him to his parents house but we knew Shoto would be going there to spy on it along with Inkos house. "Actually... you could go to my mothers house. I kept the house how everything was after she passed. I couldn't find it in me to sell it. So if you'd like, you can stay there. All of you can, it's a pretty big house." Inko offered Bakugo agreed and said we were more than welcome to join. We agreed and Inko asked Toga if she could turn into someone else and get groceries for everyone. Toga agreed and said she would do it. Bakugo gave her his credit card as Inko wrote out what to get. We all went through the portal but Inko, who went to Bakugo's moms house. This was going to be a very long next few days but hopefully Izuku will be alright.

Once Toga got back with all the groceries Bakugo offered to make us dinner. We just agreed to it since none of us besides Kurogiri can cook. We took a look around the house and found baby pictures of Izuku along with the wedding pictures of Inko and her late husband. "So how much do you actually know about him?" I turned to see Dabi looking at the pictures on the wall. I chuckled softly "Probably more than I should, he trusts me even though I'm a villain. The past couple months it's more just running into each other then getting food or something and just talking. We would talk about everything but your brother. I noticed how he would react to it and I wouldn't bring it up. Did you know his favorite color is actually red?" I asked and Dabi looked at me "I would have figured it was green." "He actually isn't a fan of green but because of his hair green is the only color he can wear expect for black or light colors. He said if he wears red he looks like he's going to celebrate Christmas and his old classmates would mess with him about it so he stopped and just kept to his red shoes." I said laughing a little. "You love him don't you?" Dabi asked making me tense. I just looked down not being able to look at him. "I'll take that as a yes. You've always had a soft spot for him, even if he was supposed to be your biggest enemy. You've always cared about him and him being with my brother made it even harder for you until now." I just looked at him shocked. "No one else could see it but I could. 10 years is a long time to love someone and they don't know. I don't know how he is with you but I can bet he feels the same way and he might not know it yet." He said patting my shoulder and walking away. I do love him... I have for years but I could never tell him that...

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