Chapter 1

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???: (narrating) Who am I? You sure you want to know? The story of my life is not for the faint of heart. If somebody said it was a happy little tale... ... if somebody told you I was just an average ordinary guy, not a care in the world... ... somebody lied. But let me assure you, this like any story worth telling... ... is all about a girl. (the scene shows a beautiful girl) That girl. The girl next door. Mary Jane Watson. The woman I've loved since before I even liked girls.
There was a guy sitting next to her.
???: (narrating) I'd like to tell you that's me next to her. (refers to another guy) Aw, heck, I'd even take him.
There was a young man running beside the bus.
Young Man: Hey! Stop the bus!
??? (narrating) That's me.
Young Man: Tell him to stop! Please! Stop! Hey! Stop the bus!
Mary Jane: (to the bus driver) Stop the bus! He's been chasing us since Woodhaven Blvd.
The bus stopped and the boy got in. He tried to look for a seat.
Girl: Don't even think about it.
Boy: You're so lame, Parker.
As Parker looked for a seat, Flash tripped him and the students laughed. Peter Parker was just your ordinary bookworm of a student. A nerd, and rather an outcast. That was about to change today. In New York, Daniel Tiger his Pokemon partner Pikachu and AJ the forever lion cub arrive in New York
Daniel Tiger: Wow this city is cool right Pikachu?
Pikachu: [agreeing] PIKACHU.
AJ: Daniel Tiger,welcome to New York City
Daniel Tiger: So AJ where we going to start?
AJ: Well Daniel Tiger we go Columbia University's Science Department.
Daniel Tiger:Oh I can't wait go there.
AJ: Ok let go.
Daniel Tiger: come on Pikachu.
(Meanwhile Columbia University's Science Department)
Man: Man: Midtown High seniors. No wandering. Proceed direct... Hey! Knock it off. Remember, it is a privilege to be here. We're guests of Columbia University's Science Department. So behave accordingly. Let's not have a repeat of our trip to the planetarium. Now, Come on and stay together. Proceed up the steps and into the building.
As the students, including Peter and MJ, went into the science lab, Daniel Tiger, Pikachu, and AJ are arrive
AJ: Daniel Tiger Welcome to Columbia University's Science Department.
Daniel Tiger: Wow this place is Awesome
AJ: Yeah come on let's in
Daniel Tiger: Ok.
They went into the science building. Outside, a limo was parking. Norman Osborn was dropping off his son, Harry.
Harry: Dad, would you ask Hoskins to drive around the corner, please?
Norman: Why? The entrance is right there.
Harry: Dad, these are public school kids, I'm not showing up for the field trip in a Rolls.
Norman: You want me to trade in my care for a Jetta just because you flunked out of every private school I ever sent you to?
Harry: It wasn't for me.
Norman: Of course it was. Don't ever be ashamed of who you are.
Harry: I'm not ashamed of who I am. It's just...
Norman: Just what, Harry?
Harry: Forget it. (leaves the limo; to Peter) Pete!
Peter: Hi, Harry.
Harry: Hey, man. What's up?
Norman: (bringing Harry his backpack) Harry! Won't you be needing this?
Harry: Thanks Dad. (to Peter) Um, Peter may I introduce my father, Norman Osborn.
Norman: (shakes Peter's hand) I've heard so much about you.
Peter: It's a great honour to meet you sir.
Norman: Harry tells me you're quite the science whiz. Y'know, I'm something of a scientist myself.
Peter: I read all your research on nanotechnology. Really Brilliant.
Norman: And you understood it?
Peter: Yes, I wrote a paper on it.
Norman: Impressive. Your parents must be very proud.
Peter: I live with my aunt and uncle, they are proud.
Wildcat: Hey, you two! Let's move!
Peter: Nice to meet you.
Norman: Hope to see you again.
Peter: Yeah. (Norman leaves; to Harry) He doesn't seem so bad.
Harry: Not if you're a genius. I think he wants to adopt you.
In the science lab...
Tour Guide: There are over 32,000 known species of spider in the world. They're in the order Araneae, divided into three suborders.
Peter: Wow! That's amazing! This is the most advanced electron microscope in the eastern seaboard. It's unreal.
Harry: I know.
Tour Guide: Arachnids from all three groups possess varying strengths which help them in their constant search for food. For example, the Delena spider, family Sparassidae... ...has the ability to jump to catch its prey.
Peter: For the school paper?
The tour guide nodded, so Peter attempted to take a picture of the spider, but Flash bumped him, making him take a bad picture.
Tour Guide: Next, we have the net web spider, family Filistatidae... ...genus Kukulcania. It spins an intricate funnel shaped web whose strands have a tensile strength ...proportionately equal to the type of high tension wire...
Daniel Tiger: Wow, such an amazing web shape.
AJ: Be careful Daniel Tiger because I don't want you to get hurt
Daniel Tiger Ok AJ
Peter tried to take a picture, but Flash bumped him.
Harry: Leave him alone.
Bully: Or what?
Flash: Or his father will fire your father. (to Harry) What's Daddy gonna do? Sue me?
Man: What is going on? The next person who talks will fail this course. I kid you not. Let's go.
Man: What is going on? The next person who talks will fail this course. I kid you not. Let's go.
Tour Guide: This grass spider hunts using reflexes with nerve-conduction velocity so fast that some researchers believe it almost borders on precognition.
Peter: (whispers to Harry) Those guys are jerks.
Tour Guide: imminent awareness of danger... A spider-sense.
Harry: (quietly and points to a spider) Hey, look at that spider
AJ: Some spiders change colors to blend into their environment. It's a defense mechanism.
Peter: (quietly) Oh. Hello, Lion cub How'd you figure it out?
AJ:Because I know about spider.
Peter: (quietly) I'm Peter Parker, and this is my best friend, Harry.
AJ: It's a pleasure to meet you,Peter I'm AJ the one and only forever lion cub.
Daniel Tiger: My Name Daniel Tiger and this my partner Pikachu
Pikachu: [greeting] PIKACHU!
Harry: (quietly) Why are a forever lion cub?
AJ: it long story.
Peter: (quietly) That explains her mouth being covered.
Harry: (quietly) Peter, what makes you think I'd want to know that?
Peter: (quietly) Who wouldn't?
Tour Guide: Over five painstaking years, Columbia's genetic research facility has...
Harry: (quietly) You gonna talk to her now?
Peter: (quietly) Oh, no. Come on. You talk to her.
Tour Guide: With these DNA blueprints, we have begun what was once thought impossible.
Mary Jane looked at the spiders in the glass containers.
Mary Jane: (quietly) Disgusting.
Harry: (quietly) Yeah, hateful little things.
Mary Jane: (quietly) I love them!
Harry: (quietly) Yeah, me too. You know, spiders can change their color to blend into their environment.
Mary Jane: (quietly) Really?
Harry: (quietly) Yeah, it's a defense mechanism.
Mary Jane: (quietly) Cool.
Tour Guide: ...transfer RNA to encode an entirely new genome combining the genetic information from all three into these 15 genetically designed super-spiders.
AJ: There's only 14 of them.
Tour Guide: I beg your pardon?
AJ: Lisa: You're missing one spider.
Tour Guide: Yeah. I guess the researchers are working on that one.
Unknown to everyone in the room, the missing spider was on a web, hanging from a column.
Harry: (quietly) Do you know that this is the largest electron microscope on the eastern seaboard?
Man: You were talking throughout that woman's entire presentation. Let's talk about how we listen.
The two left, leaving Peter with Mary Jane. This was his perfect chance to get to the girl.
Peter: Hey, Could I take your picture? I need one with a student in it.
Mary Jane: Sure, yeah.
Peter: Great.
Mary Jane: Where do you want me? (stands next to the containers) Over here?
Peter: Yeah, that's great.
Mary Jane: Don't make me look ugly.
Peter: That's impossible.
He walked back to take a picture from a distance.
Peter: (takes one picture) Perfect.
As he kept taking pictures, the spider was crawling down the web.
Mary Jane: Is that good?
Peter: Great.
He took pictures of her, not noticing the spider now crawling on his hand.
Girl: (offscreen) M.J., let's go!
Mary Jane left.
Peter: Wait. Thanks!
The spider then bit Peter Parker. He yelped in pain and flicked the spider off. It crawled out of his sight. He had a nasty bite from the spider.
Man: (offscreen) Parker, let's do it.
Peter went out, but on a screen, there was a particular set of abilities. They were web tensile strength, spider strength, jumping, speed, spider sense, and precognition. They belonged to a spider. In fact, it was the same spider that bit Peter. Meanwhile, Daniel Tiger call his
Daniel Tiger: Hi Mom, Hi Dad
Mom Tiger Hi Daniel Tiger How you day in New York?
Daniel Tiger: this was great.
Dad Tiger: ok we see later Daniel Tiger bye.
Daniel Tiger: bye.
AJ:hey we're going to Peter house.
Daniel Tiger:Ok come on Pikachu
Meanwhile At Oscorp, there was a demonstration for a flight suit.
Dr. Strom: We've solved the horizon glide and the multi-G balance issues.
General Slocum: I've already seen the glider. That's not what I'm here for.
Norman arrived at the lab in his lab coat.
Norman: General Slocum, good to see you again. Mr. Balkan, Mr. Fargas.
Mr. Balkan: Norman.
Mr. Fargas: Mr. Osborn.
Norman: Always a pleasure to have our board of directors pay us a little visit.
General Slocum: I want to see the progress report on human performance enhancers.
Dr. Strom: We tried vapour inhalation with rodent subjects. They showed an 800 percent increase in strength.
General Slocum: Any side effects?
Dr. Strom: In one trial, yes.
Norman: It was an aberration. All the tests since have been successful.
General Slocum: In the trial that went wrong, what happen? what were the side effects?
Dr. Strom: Violence, aggression, and insanity.
General Slocum: What do you recommend?
Norman: That was only one test. With the exception of Dr. Strom, our entire staff certifies the product ready for human testing.
General Slocum: Dr. Strom?
Dr. Strom: We need to take the whole line back to formula.
Norman: Back to formula?
General Slocum: Dr. Osborn. I'm going to be frank with you. I never supported your program. We have my predecessor to thank for that.
Mr. Fargas: Norman, the General gave the go-ahead to request aerospace to build a prototype of their exoskeleton design. They test in two weeks.
General Slocum: And if your so-called performance enhancers have not had a successful human trial by that date. I'm gonna pull your funding. I'm going to give it to them. Gentlemen. Ladies. (leaves)

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