Chapter 5

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Aunt May was in her room praying.
May: Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses... we forgive those who trespass against us. Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us...
Suddenly, the Green Goblin burst out of the wall on his glider.
May: Deliver us!
Green Goblin: Finish it! Finish it!
May: From evil!
At the hospital, Peter and the gang went to check on Aunt May.
Peter: Aunt May. Is she gonna be okay? What happened?
Nurse: Yes, she's going to be okay. Look, you're going to have to leave right now.
Daniel Tiger: What happened?
May: Those eyes! Those horrible yellow eyes!

Peter was in the room alone with the comatose Aunt May. He looked at the picture of him with Aunt May and Uncle Ben, and then held her hand.
Peter: I'm sorry.
The next morning...
Mary Jane: Will she be okay?
Daniel Tiger: She'll be alright. She's been sleeping for days.
Peter: Thanks for coming. Peter: How are you? Are you okay about the other night?
Mary Jane: Yeah, I'm fine. I just felt bad about leaving Aunt May.
AJ: You talked to Harry?
Mary Jane: He called me. I haven't called him back. The fact is... I'm in love with somebody else. Peter: You are?
Mary Jane: At least I think I am. It's not the time to talk about it.
Peter: You are?
Mary Jane: At least I think I am. It's not the time to talk about it.
AJ: No, no, go on. What's this guy's name? Will we remember it?
Daniel Tiger: And here they go again with their love routine.
Mary Jane: You'll think I'm a stupid little girl with a crush.
Peter: Trust us. Mary Jane: It's funny. He's saved my life twice, and I've never even seen his face.
Peter: Oh, him.
Mary Jane: You're laughing at me.
Peter: No, I understand. He is extremely cool.
Mary Jane: But do you think it's true, all the terrible things they say about him?
Peter: No, no, not Spider-Man, not a chance in the world. I know him a little bit. I'm sort of his unofficial photographer.
Mary Jane: Has he mentioned me?
Peter: Yeah.
Mary Jane: What'd he say?
Peter: I said... He asked me what I thought about you.
Mary Jane: And what did you say?
Peter: I said, "Spider-Man." I said, "The great thing about M. J... ...when you look in her eyes... ...and she's looking back in yours... ...everything feels... ...not quite normal. Because you feel... ...stronger... ...and weaker at the same time. You feel excited... ...and at the same time... ...terrified. The truth is, you don't know what you feel... ...except you know what kind of man you want to be. It's as if you've... ...reached the unreachable... ...and you weren't ready for it."
Mary Jane: You said that?
Peter: Well, something like that.
The two held hands for a moment until Harry showed up with flowers.
Peter: Hey.
Later at the mansion, Harry looked for his father when he heard odd noises.
Harry: Dad? Dad, is that you?
He saw his father up one floor.
Norman: What is it?
Harry: You're right about everything. She's in love with Peter.
Norman: Parker?
Harry: Yeah.
Norman: And how does he feel about her?
Harry: He's loved her since the 4th grade. He pretends like he doesn't, but there's no one Peter cares for more.
Norman: I'm so sorry. I haven't always been there for you, have I?
Harry: You're busy. You're an important man. I understand.
Norman: That's no excuse. I'm proud of you. I've lost sight of that somewhere. But I'll make it up to you, Harry. I'm going to rectify certain inequities.
He hugged his son to comfort him. Meanwhile, Peter woke up from his nightmare.
May: (awake) Wake up. Go home, dear. You look awful.
Peter: And you look beautiful. I don't like to leave you here.
May: But I'm safe here.
Peter: Can I do anything for you?
May: You do too much. College, a job, all this time with me. You're not Superman, you know. (sees Peter smile) A smile. Finally. Haven't seen one of those on your face since Mary Jane was here.
Peter: Hey, you were supposed to be asleep.
May: You know, you were about 6 years old when M.J. 's family moved in next door. When she got out of the car, and you saw her for the first time, you grabbed me and said, "Aunt May, aunt May, is that an angel?"
Peter: Gee, did I say that?
May: You sure did.
Peter: Well, Harry's in love with her. She's still his girl.
May: Isn't that up to her?
Peter: She doesn't really know who I am.
May: Because you won't let her. You're so mysterious all the time. Tell me, would it be so dangerous to let Mary Jane know how much you care? Everybody else knows.
Peter: We'll be right back.
They left the room and Peter dialed on the hospital phone.
Peter: (on the phone) Hey, M.J.
Voice Recording: (on phone) Hi. Sing your song at the beep.
Peter: (on the phone) M.J., it's Peter. You there? Hello? You there? I'm just calling to check up on you. Will you call me when you get in? All right, well... Don't... Don't go up any dark alleys. (message hangs up) Hello?
Green Goblin: (on phone) Can Spider-Man come out to play?
Daniel Tiger and AJ: Green Goblin?!
Peter: (on the phone) Where is she?
Somewhere in New York, Mary Jane noticed that she was on the Queensboro Bridge. The Green Goblin taunted while he waited for Spider-Man, Super Daniel Tiger and Super Lion Cub
Green Goblin: The itsy-bitsy spider went up the water spout. Down came the goblin and took the spider out.
He launched a missile at a small building, blowing it up. The heroes saw this.
The building that blew up broke a rope that was attached to a trolley full of children, causing the trolley to fall. The Goblin grabbed the rope as he prepared for Spider-Man's arrival. Our heroes sling-shot themselves to the bridge to confront the villains. The Goblin had Mary in his grasp.
Green Goblin: Spider-Man Super Daniel Tiger and Super Lion Cub This is why only fools are heroes. Because you never know when some lunatic will come along with a sadistic choice: Let die the woman you love or suffer the little children.
Kids: Save us! Save us!
Super Daniel Tiger: Oh, that is beyond evil!
Super Lion Cub:Let them go right now!
Green Goblin: Now, choose!
He dropped both the trolley and Mary Jane at the same time.
Spider-Man: No!
He dived after Mary Jane, grabbed her, and swung to the trolley, where he attached it with his web.
Trolley Man: Everybody stay still!
A light shone on the trolley.
Ship Captain: Ahoy up there! We're gonna bring the barge right under you.
The Green Goblin was on his glider heading for our heroes.
Mary Jane: He's coming back!
Spider-Man: Listen. I need you to climb down.
Mary Jane: I can't.
Spider-Man: Yes, you can!
The web was about to break.
Spider-Man: M.J., you can do it. You have to. Trust me. Hold on tight and go quickly. Hurry!
Mary Jane climbed down, but was too scared to continue.
Mary Jane: I can't. I can't do it.
Spider-Man: Hang on, Mary Jane!
The villain knocked down Spider-Man, but the hero grabbed hold of the rope and Mary Jane held onto the trolley car
Super Lion Cub: He's not gonna make it!
Super Daniel Tiger: He's gonna make it!
Spider-Man was holding the trolley car's rope as the Goblin was closing in on him.
Green Goblin: It's time to die.
Super Daniel Tiger: Spider-Man, watch out!
The villain was close to kill him until he got hit by a cup from a group of Spider-Man fans who were on the Spider-Man, watch out!
The villain was close to kill him until he got hit by a cup from a group of Spider-Man fans who were on the bridge and hated the Green Goblin.

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