Chapter 3: Drunk

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"Simon..?"  I could tell that he was drunk. I slowly started to close the door but he stopped the door with his hand.

"Stop! Just go! Leave me alone!" I yelled at him.

"No! I won't leave you alone!" He yelled back. I was so scared that I screamed, hoping that someone was awake. He pushed the door and made me fall on the floor. I got up quickly and tried to run away but he grabbed my wrist. I started to cry from memories, being afraid, and he was holding my wrist so tightly that I could feel it breaking.

"Your not going anywhere." He slurred.

"ANSEL! LIAM! DYLAN! SOMEONE! HELP!" I screamed as loud as I could. Simon got angry and started to push me out the door harshly. I couldn't do anything, he was too strong for me so I screamed and fought him. I kicked him but he didn't budge. He got me in his car and locked the door. He got in the front seat and drove. We didn't even get 5 feet away until someone ran out of the door. It was Ansel, Dylan, Liam. Praise the lord! I said in my head. I  saw Simon's eyes fill with even more anger. He turned so sharply that we crashed into another car. I blacked out before I could hear or see anything else.

Ansel's P.O.V

We heard someone scream all of the sudden. I thought it was just the girls watching a scary movie, and something popped out. But then I heard someone scream:
'ANSEL! LIAM! DYLAN! SOMEONE! HELP!' That's when I knew, it was Kylie. I quickly got up and ran up the stairs with the boys by my side. I saw the front door wide open so I ran out. Kylie was screaming and struggling to get out of Simon's grasp but he shoved her in his car and ran to the other side, got in, and locked it.
We all ran after it then the worst thing happened. He took a super sharp turn and hit another car. Dylan ran up to the car and carefully pulled Kylie out. She was unconscious but alive. He was holding her bridal style. Liam was calling the hospital. I ran over to Dylan and sat next to him.

"Is she okay?" I asked him.

"She seems okay. Hopefully she will be okay." He said, still not taking his eyes off of her. Then it hit me. Simon. That bitch was the one almost fucking killed her! I ran over to the car and looked into the front seat to see him bleeding terribly but he was still conscious. So I grabbed his shirt and pulled him out.

"YOU FUCKING BITCH! I'M GONNA KICK YOUR SORRY ASS!" I yelled at him. I dropped him to the ground and punched him as hard as I could. He was so unconscious that he might be in a coma for a couple months. That's a good thing though.

Dylan's P.O.V

I could hear Ansel screaming at Simon but he deserved it so I didn't stop him. Kylie's eyes started to open.
"Thank you..." She whispered to me. I smiled and kissed her forehead.

"Your Welcome... are you okay?" I whispered back.

"Yeah. I'm okay." She whispered again. I leaned in slowly and kissed her. She didn't hesitate to kiss me back. She put her hands in my hair while my hands were placed gently on her back. It seemed almost like her lips were made for mine. I know that spounds cheesy but its true. We pulled away to breathe. I smiled down at her and she smiled back. I can't believe I kissed her! Oh my gosh, if Ansel finds out he'll kill me! She chuckled a little then snuggled into my chest and closed her eyes. Liam walked over to us with the most weirdest smile on his face.

"I saw that you know?" He said cheekily. My eyes widened. He could tell Ansel. He then laughed.

"Dude, you know I would never tell on you? And plus, if she kissed you back, she probably likes you too." He said, still smiling. I lightened up and let out a sigh of relief.

"You really think she likes me?" I asked him. He was about to speak but was cut off by Ansel sitting next to me.

"Who might like you?" Ansel asked while raising his eyebrow. Even though he's the same age as me, he is still still stubborn.

"Uhh... Umm... Uh... U-Um..." I stuttered. Ansel smiled.

"I saw you kiss Kylie, it's okay. I don't mind. I'd rather have you her boyfriend than the almost dead Simon over there." He said while pointing his finger at Simon who wasn't moving. He beat the shit out of him. I felt congratulating him for beating the shit out of him. But I can't. The ambulance came a few minutes later taking Kylie and Simon away. Ansel went with Kylie, and me and Liam drove in his car. When we got to the hospital, we found out that Kylie is okay, she just cut her leg on broken glass. Then they stitched her up.

We also found out that Simon will be in a coma for at least 3 months but the longest time is 1 year and 6 months. I could tell that Ansel was super happy for that. Anyways, that night at the hospital, Kylie woke up. But the weird part was that she only wanted to see me. I thought it was weird but Ansel understood why. He, of course, didn't tell me.

"Hey..." I said to her. She looked over to me and smiled and patted the spot next to her.

"Hey... sit over here." She said smiling still. When I sat next to her she leaned into me and kissed me. She tangled her hands in my hair while I put my hands on her hips. When we pulled away, she placed her forehead on mine.

"Thanks for looking after me." She whispered.

"Your Welcome." I whispered back smiling.

The Oscars- A Dylan O'brien Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now