Chapter 7: Surprise!

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When we walked inside...

I almost screamed. My aunt Jamie was sitting at the table eating what looked like... stew? Where did she get that? Anyways, I was still wondering why the hell she was here!

"JAMIE!" Matt screamed, running over to her giving her a big hug. I laughed to myself, thinking about when he first met her.


"I don't wanna go!" Matt whined from behind me. We were riding our skateboard's to my aunts house due to a plumbing problem in my house.

"Why not?" I asked, stopping my skateboard. Matt stopped too and looked at me.

"First of all, what if she hates me!? Did you ever think about that one? Second of all, I'm not good around new people! I always stutter or hide! And third of all, what if she's a witch!?" Matt said. I laughed.

"One, she is SUPER nice and plus, she loves kids. Two, I know you're terrible around new people but just treat her like you do with my parents okay? And three, What the heck? Why would she be a witch if she loves kids." I told him. He looked at me and said "Witches EAT kids! Did you lever think about that one!?" I laughed and shook my head.

"Matt. Listen to me. SHE.IS.NOT.A.WITCH.YOU.IDIOT!" I yelled at him, shaking his shoulders.

"Fine! I'll go, but if she starts to shove you in an oven then I'm running away and leaving you." He said. I laughed. As we entered the house, we smelled cookies. Me and Matt looked at each other and ran to the kitchen.

"COOKIES!" We screamed as we ran. Aunt Jamie laughed as we entered the kitchen, looking for the cookies. After we found them, we ate like almost all of them in one bite.

"I love your aunt already!" Matt said through the giant glob of cookie in his mouth. I laughed and continued to eat them while my Aunt laughed, continuing to bake more.

*End of Flashback*

"MATT! How have you been?" She asked Matt while hugging him.

"I'm good!" He replied, standing back up again.

"So... Aunt Jamie! What a surprise!... So... why are you here? How did you get in? What are you eating? How did you get it too!" I blurted. Aunt Jamie chuckled.

"First of all, I'm here for your birthday coming up. Second of all, I have a key. Remember, Ansel gave me one just in case you guys weren't here and I needed to get in. Third of all, This is some broccoli soup from Panera. And Lastly, I got it on my way here." She said calmly as I stared at her.

"Ooohhhhh... Okay. Well, that explains it... AUNT JAMIE!" I scream the last part while hugging her tightly. We all laugh and me and Matt sit next to her and watch TV.

"Wait. Did you bring me food?" I asked hopefully. She laughed and nodded.

"Where is it!?" I said while standing up. Matt laughed again while Aunt Jamie pointed to the fridge. I ran over to the fridge and swung it open finding a turkey sandwich with broccoli soup. I grabbed it, sat down on the couch and ate it while my Aunt and Matt laughed. Suddenly, Matt's phone rang. He answered it, walking to the door to get privacy.

*Matt's P.O.V.*

My phone started to ring so I walked outside on the front porch. I looked at the caller ID and sighed.

"Why can't you just leave me alone?" I muttered to myself then answering.

"Hey Bart!" I said, trying to act slightly happy.

"Hey Matt! So, Magcon starts up again tomorrow in Dallas. You better be there." Bart said. I sighed.

"Yeah, Yeah, Yeah. I know, I know. I'm on my way tonight." I said bluntly.

"You better be." He said then hung up. I stood up frustrated. How am I supposed to tell Kylie!? I thought. I walked inside and sat next to Kylie.

"Can I talk to you? Privately?" I asked her. She nodded and told her aunt she'd be back.

"I'm leaving." I blurted. Kylie looked at me like I just hit a puppy while eating her food, which means sad and angry.

"What! Why? When? Where?" She yelled at me.

"Yeah... I'm leaving for Magcon tomorrow in Dallas Texas..." I said, rubbing the back of my neck nervously. She sighed and walked away. Well that went well.

A/N: Sorry for the short chapter! Read hurt by: ReshhseR! It's really good! She was also the one who asked for an update. Follow her and read her book!

Bye my lovely flowers!

~Mia xoxo

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