Birthday suprize

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After cleaning my face from the mascara I ate my breakfast and put on the shirt Connor gave me.Looking in the mirror Cameron came behind me.
"May I?" He asked holding up the neckless
"Sure." I lifted up my hair up as he put the neckless on me.Dropping my phone I turned around and hugged him.Pulling myself away to the buzz of my phone there were thousand of text from my mom and Jersey.Texting them back Jersey asked me where I'll be so she could send me the gift,i told her send it to my house .My mom just added money to my bank account!.Putting go my phone away Connor and Cameron were carrying the suitcases down the hall way,picking up my Bags I followed.
"I call shotgun!" Skylar yelled
"than I get the trigger." Cameron replied opening the door to the drivers seat.I pushed my bag into the trunk and sat beside Connor at the back seats.We went shopping,swimming and a movie,when we got back Skylar,Cameron and Connor went somewhere while I took a shower.Turning on the water I took a long shower,the door Burst open.
"Skylar?","Cameron?","Connor?" ,"Is that you?"I asked  trying to see through the blue curtain,A hairy hand with nails the size of a finger made a hole through te curtain, his hand was reaching for me the whole curtain fell of and there stood a hairy werewolf,I screamed and grabbed my towel.Looking around I saw a Mini plant on the sink,the plant grew and wrapped around the beast I quickly ran out an closed the bathroom door.Finding my monster pocket knife I took out the silver knife and stabbed the werewolf.The werewolf turned to ashes and disappeared,after a couple minutes Connor,Skylar and Cameron walked into the room laughing and smiling, they reached into a black bag and pulled out a cake.
"Make a-what happened to the bathroom?!?" Skylar said looking at me scared
"you don't want to know." I said falling face first onto the bed

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