Kicked out

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Bella POV
" all of you fuckers out!!!!"
The screaming of my mother can by heard from miles, as she push me , my brothers Emmett, and Michael and toss our bags at us " where are we supposed to go you can't just us leave out side in night you fucking broad" said Michael in a angry voice " Tomorrow I'm taking all of you to the airport so you can live with Charlie in forks , for tonight that's your issue" said Renee as she shuts the door hard " all just because of what we can't control what we are will fuck you , you sorry fucking excuse for a mother" said Michael as he yells at the door hoping Renee can hear it, will hello there I'm bella Swan and the person who yelled at my mother was my little brother Michael, you see my brother Emmett is the oldest by 5 minutes and then came me and then Michael who is one day younger, the three of us are not your typical siblings, Emmett is gay, I'm also gay and also was born with a penis which is the reason why my mother abused me the most but my brothers always got my back , Michael is bi and out of the three of us he is the only one who is not born in Washington DC , yeah me and Emmett were born in Washington DC , Michael was born in New Jersey which is why he has a New Jersey accent , which also I inherited from him when I'm angry, both of my brothers are the reason why I'm not ashamed of what I'm born with , they gave me confidence, they gave me advice about defending myself which is handy in school , we did everything together, we work out together and yes I have abs and everything just like my brothers, we smoke weed together , drink together, we have everything in common, we like video games , we like sports, like music which by the way we make music, we are a band called ' The Black Swans' and we are a big hit in sound cloud and Spotify, we make a lot of dough but we don't show our faces and Renee doesn't know about our little group. So we are now laying in the ground a few good yards away from the house " fucking believe this" said Emmett as he puts his jacket on the ground " fuck this man but you know what when we get to forks I'm going to be the happiest motherfucker the world has ever seen" said Michael in a exciting voice
Bella: " same here, can't believe after all these years we are finally going to life with pop's"
Michael: " yeah, hey I got some of the goods here, what do you say, wanna have one last blow before leaving for forks"
Emmett: " you know what fuck it"
Bella : " yeah give it here"
Yeah we smoke weed or cigarettes, but in times it be cigars, will for me and Michael but Emmett he just smokes cigarettes or the weed, and I know you all are probably thinking ' Bella you should take away the weed and cigs they will kill you and your brothers don't you care about them' yes I do I care about their health but mostly their mental health, that shit is the thing you can't but a bandage on and that's it , you need more then that and Renee puts our mental health on the low by stress so we smoke
Emmett: " man you guys what it will go good with this"
Michael : " Henny?"
Emmett: " will besides that"
Bella : " some tones?"
Emmett: " HELLZ YEAH!!!!"
Michael : " I got just the thing for that"
Michael pulls out his phone and goes through sound cloud and Put UFO's & Aliens

Bella : " now that's the shit"
So we smoke weed through our the night and we sang the together like we always did every time we sleep outside. When we finish all the goods we hit the hail and not before saying good night  to each other. I stayed up a little looking up the stars or ufo's , okay Michael maybe start thinking about aliens right after he put that song, even thought us not a bad. I went to sleep hoping Forks will be better then this dump.

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