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Bella's POV

Me, Michael and Emmett were all sleeping until some trash ass songs started playing loudly and then we got wet, we all screamed and open our eyes to find Renee right in front of us with a bucket and a speaker for music, is pretty obvious who wet and disturbed our sleep with a that loud ass, trash ass music.
Renee: " alright you fucking freaks is time to get up and finally leave me in peace leave, and also here"
Phil dropped what I think is our belongings in traveling bags.
Renee: " all your shit is in the bags and now all I have to do is take you fucking trash ass freaks to the airport"
Michael : " yeah yeah whatever no need to tell us just take us already away from you"
Emmett : " yeah what mic said"
Renee: " will good the quicker we are the more I don't have to see your faces, mostly yours freak"
Bella : " your face is more freaky then what I have in my pants"
Renee: " WHAT YOU SAY!!!"
Renee what's about to kick some ass but I could easy beat both Phil and Renee but that didn't happen since cause both Michael and Emmett stand up beside me and Phil stood beside Renee, is looks like a intense moment right here, are we really about to beat Renee's and Phil's ass right here right now.

Phil: " let's just drive to the airport"
Bella : " yeah let's do that"
At least Phil has more intelligence then Renee if not they would've been beaten, I mean come on three out of two, and Renee never had any fighting experience, while Phil had but he lost, it was back when he was in college and the reason why he got into the fight was because he was kissing a girl, and the girl was in the relationship with the dude who beat the shit out of him, the reason I know this is because is because told to Renee when they both got drunk one time and me and my brothers hade to go outside laughed out asses off, cause if not she will whipped our asses. So now we are at the airport
And we brought breakfast burritos there cause we hadn't had any since we got kicked outside and they wouldn't give us a chance to eat, so now we are sitting at a table eating our burrito, until we were doing eating we throw our trash away, and then our flight is called so we give tickets to the gate person and we got on the plane will before that we did rock, paper, scissors for the window and I won, now we are on the plane wait for it to start flying

Michael: " you know what I miss about forks the most"
Emmett : " what?"
Michael : " the pizzeria"
Bella : " tell me about"
Michael : " the mozzarella and the homemade sauce"
Bella : " you what I did miss from there"
Emmett, Michael and Bella : " the fucking pie apple pizza"
(AN : the swans are full blooded Italians so that's why there will be hate on Olive Garden, pie apple pizza and etc)
Emmett: " like who eats that shit"
The person on the speaker on the plane: " attention all passengers we are about it to take on flying"
Michael : " might as will entertain ourselves"
Bella : " way ahead of you"
I pulled out my phone and air buds to pass the time while Emmett will be on his phone playing games with his air buds and Michael taking out his notebook on weed, while their doing that I just listen to dean martin, oh also forgot to you guys I'm into the classics, will in times also in modern ones
(AN : the song she is listening to)

After listening to good old Dean Martin next is Frank Sinatra

And listen to more Frank Sinatra, hey don't judge me the man is good, so is Dean Martin

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