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Alice's POV

A study session is just a start for it all

It takes time and effort to a person to fall over heels over you

And balance to not look creepy or desperate

I don't want to look that

Especially not to her

I want to give a good first impression

And I think I nailed that

She didn't seem uncomfortable around me and even when during the dance were I decided to get a little risky and grind my ass in front of her she seems to like it

Oh the joy I had and also something poking out of her pants

Must be her phone

We arrived home and what I mean by we I mean me, rose, Jasper and Olivia

We went inside and are greeted by Esme who was grading the work of her students

Esme: " hello my lovelies"

Alice & Olivia: " hello Esme"

Rose: " hello love"

Jasper: " hello ma"

Esme: " so how did it go"

Alice: " I say it went good she didn't seem uncomfortable around me"

Olivia: " neither with me with Michael"

Jasper: " same here with Emmett"

Esme: " good did you gave them your contacts"


Alice: " uuhh"

Olivia: " well the funny thing about that"

Esme: " you didn't give them did you"

Jasper: " no ma'am"

Esme let out a sigh and went to her bag and take out three pieces of paper and ripped the top off

Esme: " that's alright cause tomorrow I have Bella as my first period, Michael as my third and Emmett as my fourth"

She gave each of us , she didn't gave one for rose of course, pieces of the top of the paper that she ripped off of and then gave each of us a pen

Esme: " you can write your contacts down on here so I can give them tomorrow"

Each is us nodded and went to the table to write down our phone numbers

Esme: " so how was it dancing with them ?"

Alice: " Bella was great and enjoyed it"

Olivia: " oh she definitely did and enjoyed it more you decided to get a ...frisky"

Esme: "ohh is that so ?"

Esme smirked at me and rise a brow and as the same goes for Rose and the rest

Alice: " I wasn't the only one"

Esme smirk grow and eyes all of us

Esme: " well...bold are we now"

Rose: " I'll say"

Esme: " well just for a bit don't rush things"

Olivia: " no promises"

Esme: " of course not with you Olivia"

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