Part 4

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Sleepy maybe poetry

AM becomes PM faster than I can get the thought out of my brain, all it causes me is pain, remember when we used to talk until our phone batteries were drained, laughing while outside it rained, I would crash on my bed but stay up when I heard my phone ding a text from you, thinking about it now all it brings is pain, we talked about our futures no room in it without each other, no one other, now when I see you in Walmart I hide behind the cart because we used to be best friends but maybe it was all just pretend the sounds of our laughter echo through my ears at night like the sound of the wind, I smile when I see you but to you I'm just another drop in the vile stuck in the file of your past, you in mine, I pay the fine of my happiness when I remember how close we were, we used to say "I'll tell you about it when I see you again" talking while we went around the square walking, chalking up the reasons we were friends on a black board, can't I go back in time and fix what I said, whatever I said, now I realize it was toxic, now when I think about it I'm sick, manipulate, I forgot how lonely it got without you, but I know our friendship is through and its better even if sometimes I can't fathom how that's true, if you told younger me we were through I wouldn't think it was true, aren't we friends forever? I forgot how many necklaces you bought me, what is my place in your mind? You manipulate, eat my feelings on a plate, we used to say it was fate we were friends, it's getting late but I'm stuck reliving our memories, it wasn't luck we were brought together cuz I'm so unlucky, we used to talk so fast it sounded like the buzz of a thousand bees, I used to say please lets stay friends when you would pull at my emotions but I'm done with your bull, cuz your toxic bye ex best friend or should I say fake friend I'm done with your bull.

A/N: I wrote this about gwtting out of a toxic relationship with someone you thought was your best friend that you'd had all your life after realizing it was fake. Comment if you understand. I'd love to hear from you.


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