Memories (Part 6)

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Fighting back the tears, I sit reliving all my old memories,  time flies doesn't it, seems like yesterday we were playing in sand boxes and ball pits, now that shirt I wore don't fit no more, nor do those jokes seem funny anymore, the past flies fast, yesterday it seems was 2015, battling the mean boys in my class, I called myself fat, now I've got bigger problems than that, I've got to face my fears, remember that joke I wouldn't  stop telling, you wouldn't stop popping your lips together, hopping around like kangaroos, remember all my trues from truth or dare, it doesn't feel fair that I'm so stuck in the past, but in the future too? I can't with all this I want it to be through, kindergarten graduation, when did that happen? seems like a blink flies  by in the time I take to cry, why all of this to me, I miss those care free days, it isn't fair how fast I grew up, dress up isn't fun anymore, just essays for all my classes, fall starts another year in hell, I don't get excited like I used to, not a "brand new start" no more, nor is anything new it's never changing, never ending, depending, why do I cry when I could spend my life laughing, instead of watching it drive away not putting up a fight, to my life leaving me behind, I have all these memories, but sometimes I feel like I wasn't even there for some of these, all these years and it feels like  barley a year has passed, why.

________________________________________________________________________________Hey, this kinda went in a new direction when I got writing but maybe you'll like it? Idk anymore. I was also trying to hit the high note in Heat Attack by Demi Lovato while writing so I was multi tasking. FYI if you were wondering I could not do the high note at all. I had to lower it a lot. I'll write again later. Please share my writings! I cannot say this enough if I don't get a reaction from my readers or a lot of readers I don't end up finishing what I'm writing. Therefore if you want this to be finished share with your friends, comment, vote! Anything would be good lol


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