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So, one time I was presenting something and I said a word. And then someone said "is that a word" and for 5 straight minutes everyone went around the classroom like this "is that a word?" And then towards the end someone asked me and I said this and I quote "idk I barely know how to spell half this" ah yes my little child self who had no idea what pure embarrassment was. Innocent little child. Then my teacher was like "I'll write it on the board so everyone knows how to spell it" then she could not spell it so she had to look it up and then we discovered it was indeed a word I had just used the slang version of said word which is why everyone was confused. Though she couldn't spell the original word either. Ah yes the things you remember from when you were younger.


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2021 ⏰

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