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1 month later


For the past month I have been "ruling" the Mafia. I started crying because of how much I missed Faith and Mattia. Yea I know, I know. I miss Mattia too

It's different not being near them. And I can't just up and leave my baby like that

Especially not after what happened. So I decided I was going to fly back to Jersey today

I pack my suitcase and made my way to the car. I met Dana in the car because she was flying to Jersey with me

She's like another mother to me


We make it to the private jet and sit down. I start to read a random ass book and read like 6 chapters before falling asleep


Dana : Layla, wake up. We're here

My eyes shot open. I unbuckle the seatbelt and get up. We grab our suitcases and go to a car

I start to got hot, my leg bounces up and down repeatedly, and I start to mess with the rings around my fingers

If I'm being honest. Im nervous. Im guessing Dana noticed because she said something about it

Dana : Don't worry honey

Layla : What if Faith doesn't love me?? Or- or- or

I start to stutter and Dana placed her hand on my thigh making me feel calm again

Dana : You're her mom. She won't ever hate you Layla

I smile at what she said and looked out the window


We got to a new house I didn't recognize

Layla : This isn't-

Dana : They moved

Layla : Oh

I get out the car and get my luggage. Dana said she'll let me be alone for now and let me go inside

So she left. It's 7:34 PM and it looked like there was no one home. So I pick the front doors lock and go upstairs

I look in all the rooms until I finally see a pink room with a beautiful tiny bed and unicorn pillows on it

Even the unicorn pillow I got Faith for her birthday. I sit on the bed and begin to cry

I haven't seen my baby in two and a half months

I stop crying after an hour and go downstairs, look through the cabinets and see a bottle of red wine

I grab the wine and a glass cup, poor the wine into the cup and drink some. Little by little

As I was bringing the glass to my lips I hear the door open. It was pitch black so no one could see me in the kitchen

Kairi : You are trash at bowling Mattia

Mattia : Oh shut up Kai. I'm good right princess ?

Faith : I agree with Tio Kai

Everyone laughs

Alejandro : Even your own daughter says you're trash

Kayla : Why the fuck is it so dark

Kairi : Because Alejandro's dumbass forgot to keep on a light

I smile hearing their voices

Layla : I'm glad you're all happy..

Then the lights come on

They all look at me in shock. I see Mattia's eyes get watery


Me, Kayla, the boys and the kids went bowling just to get out since we're always on missions

It's me, Kai, Alejandro on a team and Kayla, Faith and Mateo on the other

Right now Kayla's team was winning. I don't know how, but they are !

Alejandro : How the fuck are they winning !?

Kayla : Ale don't get salty

She laughs

Kairi : He's right. You have two little ass kids on your team and you're STILL winning

At this point everyone was laughing. We all eat a slice of pizza and finish the game

Me and the boys final score was '134' while Kayla's team was '187'

We left and on the way home Alejandro had been talking about how trash I was at bowling


We get to the house and walk in. It was so dark

Then we hear a voice

?? : I'm glad you're all happy..

The voice .. sounded familiar. Faith grabbed onto my hand and then the lights turned on to reveal her. The one and only Layla

My eyes got watery and soon felt tears slide down my face

Faith ran over to her bursting into tears and me and everyone else just stand there shocked

Kairi : Tell me this is a dream

Alejandro : Nah bro. It's very much real

Alejandro ran up to Layla and hugged her and soon Kayla and Kairi did the same

I just stood there

They all finished hugging her and looked at me. She ran up to me and jumped in my arms

I rap her legs around my waist and start to sob into her neck. She did the same

Mattia : I missed you so much

I said as I was still sobbing

Layla : i kissed you too. I am so sorry

Mattia : Why are you sorry

Layla : For not coming back sooner

Mattia : Where the hell were you ??

I put her down and looked at her

Layla : Oklahoma

Kayla & the boys : Oklahoma?!

Layla : Mhm

Mattia : Why the hell were you in Oklahoma ??


I tell them everything besides the Mafia part. We all did a group hug and went to our rooms

I went to Mattia's room with Mattia

Mattia : I'm gonna get in the shower

Layla : Ok

He grabbed his towel and made his way to the shower

I then quietly walk into the bathroom, remove my clothes and get in with him

I wrap my arms around his waist and he turns around

We make eye contact and he kisses me. His soft lips move in sync with mine and he pulls out and pulls me under the water

I smile as I kiss him again and start to wash my body again

It felt good feelings his lips against mine. We finished showering and cuddle in bed

His head hurried in my neck as soft snores escape his mouth. I smile and slowly closed my eyes

My Secret Lover~ M.P Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora