6- Pipsauce (Groff and Pippa)

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No hate towards Groff. We know he's gay and support that. We just thought Pippa and Groff would be cute together.
Groffs POV
The one that made me not gay. The one and the only Pippa Soo. It would have been a normal day at the theatre if she hadn't walked in upset. I was the only one who realised that she was upset. We all knew that she'd just gone through a breakup with Justin. But I was the only one who knew how of had effected her. Today when she walked in, she was trying to look happy. No one else saw through her. Her sisters were in another part of the theatre. I called her over and took her into my dressing room.
"Hey girl. You ok today? You seem really upset," I ask. She looks at me and breaks down into tears. She shakes her head and falls into my open arms. I can feel her whole body shake with every sob she lets out. I sit us down. She leans into me and curls up.
"Hey, hey! Let it all out!" I say.
I didn't expect what happened next.
She leaned up to my face and kissed me hard. I let her kiss me and kiss her back.
This is what I've been waiting for my whole life.

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