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So last night was actually kinda fun. Me and Sabrina both won the awards we were nominated for and Billie and her brother won about 3 each. None of us preformed that night but it was a fun night.

Now me and Sabrina are in the car on our way to a salon to get our hair done. She's forcing me. "I want to go to the beach" my best friend said.

"You want to go to the salon just to go to the beach?" I questioned her as I drove. (A Mercedes GLC coup)

"Yes, I need to look sexy, and so do you" She punched my arm. We arrived at the salon and once we parked and got in we both were automatically seated.

"What would you like" The artist asked me.

"Just cut her hair, give her a little Charlie puth/ Shawn Mendes cut, but better you know? A lil long and curly, make her look like a fuck girl" Sabrina said and I eye balled her. The stylist smiled and started messing with my hair.

"Damn a whore cut" I recognized a voice speak behind me. I whipped my head around to see miss Billie Eilish again. She put her hands on my shoulders and looked at me through the mirror. "You could probably pull it off"

"Are you calling me a fuckgirl?" I question her. She stepped in front of me.

"Only if you want" she smiled making me lick my lips.

"I want you to" I said lowly but just enough for her to hear me. She bit her lip before walking away and out the door and yes I did watch her walk away.

"Back to the cut fatherless child" Sabrina yelled at me. I clenched my jawn turning back around and letting the stylist finish up my whore cut.

-after the cut. You look nice dont worry-

"Yeah definitely whore vibes" I said as I looked in Sabrinas mirror. She was almost done and i just checked myself out in the mirror as I waited.

"You look great" she said with a smile. "But I'll look hotter" she smirked and for a second in my head I thought about drop kicking her. "Are you coming to the beach with me?"

"No I look like beach material?"

"No your ugly" she joked with me so I flipped her off. About another ten minutes of waiting she was finally done. I paid for both of our appointments and we were on the road again. This time to our apartment.

"Should I wear red or white" Sabrina pressed me with questions about what she should wear to the beach while I sat on the sofa.

"I mean do you want to wear red or white?" I said with a raised brow.

"I don't know ugly that's why I'm asking you"

"Personally, on me, I'd pick red. I mean what if you accidentally shit yourself and have a white bikini on" I shrugged.

"That's so unrealistic Y/N" She snatched both bikinis out my hand and walked to her room. "I'll wear the red one"

"Just make sure you don't shit yourself Claudio" getting up I walked to my room and laid down. Pulling out my phone I opened up Twitter and scrolled through my feed. I watched tons of videos about a party that had just started a little bit ago that everyone was going to.

"I like parties" I mumbled. I did more digging until I found out who was boasting the party. "Finneas?" Damn I wanna go.

A bright idea popped into my head before I executed it. Going to Billie's Twitter account I DM'd.

-Y/N- how are you allowed to call me a whore and a fatherless child but I don't get an invitation to your party?

-Billie- 327 e elmnore ave pull up if you dare.

-Y/N- I dare and I'm coming

-Billie- Freaks only, whore

-Y/N- kiss my dick

-Billie- I'll think abt it

Yes the whole world knew about my big friend down there. Not to sound cocky. It did come to a surprise to a lot of people but they were fine with it and that's what I was really grateful about.

Getting up I grabbed my car keys and started walking towards the door. "Where are you going?" Sabrina came out of her room in only her bikini bottom and her hands holding her boobs. Taking a hard look I stood in front of the door with no words.

"Uhm, Billie- Finneas is having a party. I'm gonna go, you'll have to take your car" I spoke locking the door.

"Okay have fun, don't come back too late" I walked out to my car and made my way to where the party was.


I parked my car at the corner of the long block and walked all the way up to the house where the party was apparently happening at. Once I got to the front I didn't even bother to ring the doorbell because I knew no one would hear me anyway. I walked in and was met with sweaty dancing bodies, the smell of liquor and weed. This might just be my kind of party.

"WELCOMEEEE" Finneas suddenly popped up in front of me and grabbed my wrist. "Comee" you could tell he had a little too much too drink already but I wasn't complaining. "My sisters back here, I know your probably looking for her" he lead me to the huge backyard where his sister was sitting alone in the corner drinking a wine cooler. "I'll leave you"

I watched as he walked away before looking towards the girl sitting against the fence. She looked up at me and smiled.

"You good?" I asked and sat next to her in the grass.

"Oh yeah. I just had to relax for a little started coming down with a major headache" she passed me the drink she was holding. I took a sip and felt the warm liquor go down into my stomach. "You look really fuckable with your new cut" how bold of her.

"Sounds like something you would say" I responded.

"It does doesn't it" she whispered in my ear. Fuck my life right now. Why would she try to get me started.

"What your goal here" I questioned the blond haired girl trying to control myself.

"Just fun, if your down" she laid her hand on my thigh and started sliding up. Fuck fuck fuck.

"You've drank a lot" was all I said to her.

"But I know what I want" she huffed taking her hand on my leg. I missed her touch.

"Maybe next time. But for the time being let's go get a drink yeah?" I questioned. Looking down at my lips she looked me on my eyes before nodding and getting up.


So here's some info you might need to know abt that story.

Billie is 19
You are 20
Sabrina is also 20

Your dad killed himself in front of you when you were 5 and your mother always verbally and mentally abusive.💀💀

And no I didn't proof read so don't ask

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