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AS THE GROUP STAGGERED INTOthe great hall, harry, hermione, ron and y/n took their seats at the gryffindor table, and Cameron and corey took their seat at hufflepuff, jenna, Caleb and sadie took their seats at the ravenclaw table

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the great hall, harry, hermione, ron and y/n took their seats at the gryffindor table, and Cameron and corey took their seat at hufflepuff, jenna, Caleb and sadie took their seats at the ravenclaw table. Y/n took a seat next to hermione as harry and Ron sat across from the two. She looked down to her left to see Fred and george dancing along to the music that the choir was singing along with professor flitwick guiding it, the girl chuckled and shook her head when the boys sent her a wink. Dumbledore stood up from his seat catching everyone's attention, "Welcome, welcome, to another year at hogwarts!, now, I would like to say a few words-" "do you think he'll mention about black escaping?" Someone from the gryffindor table murmured and y/n sunk back in her seat a bit to avoid any unwanted attention, " may we welcome professor RJ lupin, who's kindly consented to fill the post of defence against the dark arts teacher, good luck professor!" He waved his hand over to the teacher who stood up and accepted everyone's claps towards him. "Of course that's why he gave you the chocolate harry!" Hermione nodded along with her clap, "potter, black!" They all turned round but not without y/n giving a eyeroll to the annoying voice, "is it true you both fainted, I mean you both actually fainted!" He laughed along with his goons, "Shove off malfoy and eat your food before it's the last meal you can eat" y/n glared, "Better watch that mouth on you black or else you'll be sharing a cell with your dear old daddy!" He shouted, her grip on the table got harder as her knuckles turned white, that was until she felt a soft warm hand creep it's way ontop of hers, she looked up and made eye contact with golden brown orbs staring at her sternly, she eased under her touch and faced back towards dumbledore but not before flipping malfoy off as he turned back to his pathetic excuse of a group.

"Our care of magical creatures teavher for many years has decided to retire, in order to spend more time, with his remaining limbs" y/n and Ron both chuckled and received a pinch from hermione in return, she looked over to the hufflepuff table and saw Cameron pretend to hold one of coreys arms, she had to muffle her laugh so she didn't earn a hit from the granger girl sitting next to her. "Fortunately, I am delighted to announce that his place will be taken than none other than our one rubeus hagrid!" The group of friends clapped loudly and praised hagrid, they knew how good hagrid was with creatures and how perfect he fit the role. But the haooy sounds soon died down as dumbledores speech went a turn that y/n didn't want it to. "Finally, on a more disquieting note, at the request of the Ministry of magic, Hogwarts will, until further notice, play host to the dementors of azkaban until such a time sirius black is captured" he finished, this earned a lot of looks to be sent harry and y/n's way, but mostly to y/n.

The girls face went red, her stomach started turning, she hated that she though some people thought she was like her father which wasn't the point in most cases, everyone was quite fond of y/n, she was funny, caring, very brave, and would defend someone she didn't even know against bullies, that was everyone except the slytherins, specifically malfoy, he's always have to get his bit in. The mixture of ravenclaw and hufflepuffs on the group sent y/n looks asking if she was okay, she just sent them a goofy smile and turned to hermione who was staring at the girl worried. "It'll be fine granger, don't worry" y/n smirked. The food magically appears infront on them and they all dug in, more Ron than anyone filling up his plate with seconds before even starting his first.

"What I don't understand is why they have dementors 'guarding' the school if they tried to attack y/n and harry on the train" Jenna exclaimed, earning a hum in agreement from the rest of the group, "suppose dumbledore just wants to make it safer I guess" harry questioned, "but it won't be safer will it? They nearly bloody sucked the-" Corey spoke rather loudly and the group had to hush him, "sorry, they nearly sucked the life out of both of you, it didn't look nor sound safe to us" "he's got a point har" y/n agreed, the group split up as they made their way to their own towers, but as the 4 gryffindors made their way up the staircase their was a huddle of gryffindors already waiting to get in, y/n managed to push through them all and stood infront of the picture of the fat lady trying to break a wine glass with her voice, "AHHHHHHHH" the fat lady 'sung' , they all covered their ears, "amazing just what I can do with my voice!" She boasted not realising everyone saw her smash it against something behind her, "Fortuna major" harry spoke a bit frustrated, "yes alright. Go in." The fat lady spoke as she opened the door to the passage for them to get in. As harry and Ron walked ahead with seamus and dean to their dorm, hermione and y/n stayed back a bit and went to their dorm, "Hello y/n, hermione, good holidays?" Padma asked the both, y/n sent her a warm smile and nodded, as y/n started unpacking her trunk she saw something that reminded her in her head. "Oh! Hermione!" "What? What's wrong?" Hermione answered, concerned as the thought the girl was hurt, "Close your eyes and put your hands out" "y/n why-" "just do it please" y/n pouted her face and hermione just rolled her eyes and closed them and put her hand out, y/n grabbed the book from behind her and placed it in her hand, hermione opened her eyes and her mouth went wide as y/n stood smirking at her reaction, "You never!" "Oh but I did granger" "but I looked everywhere!" The bushy haired girl looked at the book and then to y/n and just received a grin back, she placed the book on the bed and ran and tackled y/n to the floor in a hug, y/n fell to the ground with a groan but then started laughing, "thank you thank you thank you thank you!" Hermione spoke fastly, she pulled away from the girl and they both realised how close their faces were, both of the girls faces went crimson with blush, but none of them seemed to pull their faces back, until a cough was heard.

They both lifted their head and saw padma standing their with a smug grin before she left the room, they both stood up but the blush remained on both of their faces, "I was just out g-getting my books and I decided I'd look for it" y/n answered nervously, scratching the back of her head, "you looked for it for me?" The bushy haired girls smile only widened as y/n nodded, she went to grab galleons from her trunk to repay the girl but the latter wouldn't have it, "huh no" "y/n let me pay for it" "nope" y/n" "granger" "but-" "no buts, I'll make you a deal, since I bought it, you can read the first chapter to me" y/n offered, "deal" the smaller girl replied, they moved over to the bushy haired girls bed and sat criss crossed from eachother as hermione took the book, she read the fron of it delicately, 'little women by Louisa May Alcott' the granger girl smiled, y/n watched her as her fingers ran across the blurb as she read it, and her heart flipped as she done it, the girl across from her was to delicate when it came to books and it made her smile, as the girl started reading it a wave or tiredness came over her, she moved to sit next to hermione, the latter stopped reading when she felt a dip next to her and looked to see y/n with her eyes closed, "I'm still listening granger, your voice is very therapeutic" y/n grinned and hermione only rolled her eyes. About 20 minutes later of hermione reading she heard soft snores coming from the girl next to her, she placed her bookmark on the page and closed the book and sat it on her nightstand, she watched y/n carefully but not in a weird or creepy way, she just watched how older she looked, her face seemed to slim down the slightest and her skin seemed to have gotten a bit darker due to the weather, she was lost in thoughts until the girl across the room spoke, "you know hermione, stare at her any longer and she might just become yours" she spoke, but the girl just scoffed and turned on her light and faced the other side, but one question kept ringing in her head, did she want y/n to be hers? No she couldn't think of her bestfriend like that, of course y/n would ask her on dates, call her pet named but that was all just a joke, wasn't it?

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