Patronus charm

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"Harry? Y/n? There you both are, you came" the Professor smiled at the two who stood awkwardly, "Now, are you two sure about this? You know, this is very advanced magic well beyond the ordinary  wizarding  level" "We are sure" the both nodded, "We...

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"Harry? Y/n? There you both are, you came" the Professor smiled at the two who stood awkwardly, "Now, are you two sure about this? You know, this is very advanced magic well beyond the ordinary wizarding level" "We are sure" the both nodded, "Well everything's prepared! Now, the spell I am going to try to teach you both is called the patronus charm, have either of you ever heard of it?" He asked them, the two shook their heads, watching as he descended the staircase, " well a patronus is a kind of positive force and for the witch or wizard who can conjure one, it works something like a shield with the dementor feeding on it rather than him" he circled the two.

"In order for it to work, you must think of a memory" "a memory?" "Not just any memory, a very happy memory, a very powerful memory, can you two do this?" He took their silent as a positive note, "Yes? Very well! Now close your eyes" he instructed, the two closed their eyes hesitantly whilst listening to his calming voice, as it went black for y/n, she controlled her breathing, "Explore your past, do you have a memory?" He asked, y/n did have a memory but she didn't think it was so powerful but it did make her happy, She nodded and he smiled, "Allow it to fill you up, lose yourself within it" he told the two.

"Then speak the incantation, Expecto patronum" he said firmly, the two followed his words, "Expecto patronum" the two spoke. As they opened their eyes, Professor lupin walked over to a trunk, he stood next to it before glancing at the two, "Shall we?" "Wands at the ready" the raven haired boy and y/h/c girl raised their wands, he unlocked the trunk slowly, before lifting up the handle. Y/n exhaled slowly and ragged before a black fogged creature came out of the box, it shrieked as they both took a step back, she raised her wand as the creature grew closer to the both of them. "Expecto patronum!" She heard harry shout from next to her, she done the same but it was no use, "excpecto" she gasped, she started to feel faint and the world was going black, she heard the same scream she did that night on the train, a feminine voice shouting her and Harry's name before everything went black.

"Here we go, up you get come on sit up" lupin helped her sit up, " it's alright, I didn't expect you to get it on your first time, that would've been remarkable- here eat this it helps" he handed her a bit of chocolate, she took it gratefully and smiled before taking a piece, she looked over to harry who was stirring awake. "There's harry about to wake up now" The teacher mentioned, y/n moved over and sat next to him and gave him the rest of her chocolate, he muttered a 'thanks' before smiling and looking back to Professor lupin.

"That's one nasty dementor" Harry mentioned, "Oh no, no, no, no, that, was a boggart harry, the real thing would be much worse, much, much worse" He admitted, "as a matter of interest, what did you both think of?" He asked them, "I thought of the first time I rode a broom" harry told him, "the first time I walked into hogwarts" y/n also added, "Well that's not good enough, not nearly good enough" the two of them sighed before walking over to him, harry walked towards the lit candles, "there is another, it's not, happy exactly, well it is, it's the happiest I've ever felt but it's complicated" Harry spoke, before turning round to the two, "is it strong?" Lupin asked him, harry nodded to him and y/n smiled towards him, "then let's give it a try shall we? Are you both ready" he asked looking at y/n, she hesitantly nodded before taking her spot next to harry again.

As the figure lured back out of the box, the two shouted the incantation, but y/n saw harry looked a bit faint, "EXPECTO PATRONUM" she shouted, and just then, did a light come out from her wand, but it also emitted from Harry's aswell, they both cornered the boggart back into the trunk as Professor lupin laughed excitedly before locking the box over again. Harry and y/n grunted as they nearly tripped over their own feet, "Well done you both well done!" The man exclaimed, "I think we've had enough for today" y/n told him, he put a hand on each of their shoulders, he gave them both a bit of chocolate as they sat down on the steps, the teacher sat inbetween them.

"Just so you know harry, I think you would've given your father a run for his money!" Remus admitted happily, the boy smiled, the girl also smiled but sadly, the older man noticed this, "and you y/n, you looked just like your mother up there, I'm very proud of you both", "I was thinking of him, and mum" Harry admired softly, y/n tilted her head towards him, "seeing their faces, they were talking to me, just talking, that's the memory I chose, and I don't even know if it's real, but it's the best I have" he looked down, The Professor smiled at the boy and the girl, "You two best be off, as it's late but this won't be the last lesson we have and I'll be sure to see you both soon" the teacher told them, they nodded and y/n took Harry's arm and guided them out of the room, once they walked down a few corridors y/n stopped him, he looked confused at first until he felt her arms wrap around the boys neck, he wrapped is arms around her and hugged her tightly, they were like brother and sister and their hugs meant so much to the both of them as they only had eachother really.

"We actually done that har!" Y/n exclaimed happily, "I know, it wont be long now until we can actually use it!" He replied, they both smiled at eachother, "race you to the common room?" "Oh you're on potter", the two ran through the corridors, y/n being slightly ahead of harry, she quickly muttered the password and the painting opened, she was still running and she looked behind her, when she looked forward she crashed into a body, sending them both flying to the ground.

"Oh my god- granger I'm so sorry" the girl apologized, she didn't move from on top of the girl before she looked up and saw everyone looking at them, ginny, fred, george and Ron was smirking at them, y/n leaped up and put out her hand and hermione took it thankfully, they both stood awkwardly with blush on their faces. "Well how did you get on? You must tell me everything!" Hermione asked as they walked up to their dorm. And for the rest of the night, the girl was telling the bushy haired girl about their lesson with Professor lupin, "So wait, if Harry thought about his mum and dad, what did you think about?" Hermione asked y/n but y/n's face flushed, she completely forgot that if she told her what happened she would need to tell her what memory she thought of, "Oh well that doesn't really matter, we should get to bed now" y/n spoke quickly as she got up from Hermiones bed, the girl watched as she got into her bed, she was worried incase she upset her, but three simple words from y/n reassured her she wasn't angry or upset, "good night mione", "good night y/n" and after that, hermione had fallen asleep, but before y/n fell asleep, one last thing was on her mind, her memory was hermione jean granger.

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