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"Da da da daaa" hagrid cheered, everyone looking at the creature, most looking in curiosity, and others, for example, malfoy looking in disgust

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"Da da da daaa" hagrid cheered, everyone looking at the creature, most looking in curiosity, and others, for example, malfoy looking in disgust. "Isnt he beautiful!" Hagrid spoke, y/n was smiling hugely at the man, she loved creatures and loved studying and reading up on them. He through a dead ferret at it and it caught in mid air, "Say ello to buckbeak!".

"Hagrid, what exactly is that?" Ron asked, "That is a hippogriff ronnie" y/n answered, "Well done y/n! This handsome fella right here, is a hippogriff, now, first thing you want to know about hippogriffs is that they are very proud creatures' very easily offended" Hagrid explained, "You don't want to insult a hippogriff, it may just be the last thing you ever do" he added. The class went quite, Hagrid clapped his hands loudly, "Now, who'd like to come up ere and say ello to buckbeak?", Everyone took a step back, well except y/n and harry, but y/n knew the only reason harry didn't step back was because he was in some sort of daydream, y/n smirked and nudged his arm, he looked behind him and saw everyone else had stepped back.

"Well done you both! Righ' which one of yes wants to come n say hello?" Hagrid asked, sharing a glance between the two, y/n bowed to harry, "Please, it'd be an honour if you'd like a go mister potter" she grinned, but before harry could argue, Cameron  pushed him up front a bit so he was just infront of buckbeak, Y/n took a step back and took her spot next to hermione as they watched harry bow down to the hippogriff.

"Wait until he bows back, and if he does, ye can go n touch him" Hagrid explained to harry, y/n spared looks around there group, Sadie, caleb, Cameron, hermione and Ron all looked a bit worried for him, but y/n, corey and Jenna all smirked at eachother. They watched at harry bowed down slowly and quietly, the hippogriff waved his wings and squeaked, "Back off harry back off" hagrid rushed, but harry moved his foot backwards slightly, causing a twig to snap under his foot. "Keep still" he warned harry, buckbeak looked at harry and moved forward a bit before bowing his head down towards the raven haired boy, hagrid chuckled, "You can go and pat um now, go on don be shy" harry slowly moved towards the creature, the class watching his every move.

Y/n heard people groan from behind her, she turned round and saw malfoy and his group push past everyone and taking a bite of his apple, y/n glared and him as he raised and eyebrow at her before scowling, she didn't back down from her stare off with the boy until she felt a hand grasp hers firmly, she looked down and saw who's hand it was, she trailed her line of site up the arm and saw hermiones face, but it wasn't looking at her, it was looking straight at harry and buckbeaks.

Y/n watched as harry lifted his hand and buckbeak squeaked, hermione looked up at y/n then to her hand and realised she was holding her hand, they both blushed but they didn't dare retract each others hand from one another. "Getting comfy are we Y/N/N?" Someone whispered in your ear, you turned your face and saw that smirk you've saw when mischievous thoughts entered her head, "ortega turn your god dam attention to the front" she whisper scolded but she held a smirk on her face, "Alright black but remember, I've got a bet on you two against Cameron, don't let me loose hall galleons" she grinned, Y/N grinned before furrowing her eyebrows, "a bet?!" "Alrigh' I think he'll let you ride him now!" Y/n's head snapped forward, "Hagrid I cant go on him myself!" Harry exclaimed, "Alrigh then, Y/n! Come ere" hagrid ushered towards the girl and she froze, Jenna smirked and pushed the girl forward.

The girl slowly walked towards hagrid and he lifted her up and placed her on the back of the hippogriff and he then done the same with harry, "Don't pull his feathers, he won't appreciate that" hagrid mentioned to the two, they both shared glances before y/n whispered to harry "I'm going to kill you if we don't die from this!" She scolded, harry just smiled innocently before they were soaring through the air, the class gasped as harry and y/n let out a low squeak from the suddenness, hermione watched the scene with a worried look on her face, Sadie and Jenna noticed this and they both lowered themselves to each ear, "Worried about your lover granger?" Sadie asked, "Yeah by the look on your face, you can tell you want her back in one piece" Jenna added, "Of course I want her- I mean them back in one piece!" Hermione glared at the both of them.

As harry and y/n flew through the air, the fresh breeze flowed through there hair and skin, "Harry?" "Yes y/n?" "Do you reckon this'll be a normal year?" "Of course it wont, when do we ever have a normal year?" They both chuckled, "Y/n?" "Yeah harry?" "You know that no matter what happens with sirius black, we won't block you out just because you share blood with him, you know that right?" Y/n turned her back and side glanced him, "Thanks har, I'm glad to have you as my family" harry warmed at her words, he'd never had anyone he could call family, but ever since he's had y/n, she was the closest thing he will ever have to a sister, and they were both glad they had eachother.

Buckbeak landed fairly steady back on the ground, Y/n and harry jumped off him and walked back over to the group, "Well? How was it!" Corey asked the two, "Oh it was amazing!" "It was wicked!".

Someone nudged y/n out of the way, she turned round and so malfoy strut to the front of the class, "Yes, you're not dangerous at all are you? You great ugly brute!" He spat at the creature, "malfoy dont!" Hagrid grunted, Everyone watched as the hippogriff raised in the air and came back down and swiped malfoy across the arm, everyone started screaming and Y/n pulled hermione, Sadie and Jenna behind her.

"Ah it's killed me" draco groaned, "Calm down!" Hagrid grunted, Hermione walked from behind y/n, "Hagrid! He has to be taken to the hospital!" She shouted. "I'm the teacher, I'll do it" he picked up malfoy as the boy whimpered from under him, Y/n walked over to buckbeak and petted him and the hippogriff seemed to let her quite eagerly, he rubbed his head against her cheek affectionately and she chuckled, "Well done buckbeak" she whispered to him before she walked back over to the group, "Er, class dismissed!" Hagrid shouted as he disappeared up to the castle, Draco still being heard complaining on how his father will hear about this. "Silly git, he shouldn't have went near buckbeak!" Cameron exclaimed, "Well it is malfoy, always wants to try n show off" Caleb added, "Yeah well let's just hope hagrid doesn't get fired, or nothing happens to buckbeak" y/n explained as harry nodded in agreement.

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