To have a Home

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Tulum is just as I left it. The sky still it's beautiful blue and the jungle still it's lush green but beyond that the residents are preparing. I pass groups of assassins, offering waves that the familiar faces. Last I was here was before I left for Kingston and revealed more than I bargained for.

A few here know me as Mary. The healers do, including one of the healers' son, Ah Tabai, and the man I used to share a hut with when I first joined.

The one who most enjoys to seek me out is the healers' son. His given name is Keefer and from what he's said his family moved from Ireland a few years ago so his mother could learn the ways of the maya healers. This meant involvement in the assassin order.

He once said his father was an assassin but never brought it up again.

He's been training since I've known him. He himself wasn't supposed to know about me.

I bruised my stomach pretty bad during training once and ended up in the healers hut. Keefer came looking for his mother but ended up finding her tending to me and noticed that a mans waist didn't dip as mine does.

One long talk later and everything was back to normal.

He sought me out when he first got here, seeing me as a peer, granted I look like a man barely in my twenties and him being of only sixteen years then. It's been about two years since that time.

I find Ah Tabai watching the novices train with blow darts, aiming for straw filled dummies even if they don't often come very close. "James," he says curtly. "I have heard news of Prins's death. You said there was more you wanted to speak to me about."

"Aye. Torres was there."

He glances at me but leaves me with no other reaction. "What prevented his death?" He sounds more curious than upset but I know better than to expect such a reaction.

He's always kept a level head unless the situation involves the lives of our brothers and sisters. He won't be upset about the loss of a target I wasn't meant to be targeting.

"He was used to lure Prins out but escaped after I was spotted."

"You're not known for being spotted, James." I can hear in his voice that he doesn't appreciate my evasiveness. He wants the full story.

"Kenway was with me. He arranged for Torres to meet Prins so he could collect the sage. We were spotted and I lost them both. It wasn't until that night that we infiltrated the manor, killed Prins and lost the sage."

He nods, content with my answer but none too pleased by it. "You know he can't be involved." 'He' being Edward.

"He is no threat to us. He's more likely to join us than join the Templars."

"His presence is not one we want here. We cannot let him betray us again."

"He will realize the error of his ways."

"Until then he is not to be trusted," he finishes and the conversation seems to be over. "But we are glad to have you back."

"Glad to be back, mentor."

He pats my shoulder, my queue to leave. I almost make it to the hut I always stay in when I hear my name.

"James!" A young male voice calls.

"Keefer. Seems you haven't gotten yourself killed yet," I joke and ruffle his dark curly hair after he approaches.

"Save it for your pirate friends." He's always been a short one; a whole head shorter than I. "Speaking of pirate friends, when are we going to get justice for our brothers and sisters?"

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