Bleeding Out

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-Mary's Time In Nassau-

Nassau is just as crummy as it's always been, even with the British having taken back our little squat. The sun not even peeking over the horizon behind the town.

The docks are just as lively as ever. Men running from side to side, carrying crates, talking with the harbor master, getting paid, all busy tasks given to the crews of the ships moored in the harbor. The harbor I once risked my life to call mine.

I've taken a small boat to shore with Keefer. The heavy weight of the oars in my hands as the wood splinters and croaks against the pressure.

Keefer looks on edge, whether it be over sneaking onto the now guarded island or the woman he hopes to find here is unknown to me. He hasn't spoken of Anne since we first talked about her and he's been distant since Edward's visit. I've given him his space even though I've told some of the men to keep an eye on him and help him out when needed so he adjusts well.

I jump off the bow into the shallow water, the sand sinking beneath the soles of my boots as the water laps at my ankles and pulls at my feet. I grab the splintered wood pulling it up into the dry sand as Keefer uses the oar for leverage. He jumps out, giving me a nervous smile as if asking what to do next.

"I'm thinking we go find Anne first?" I pose it as a question, enjoying his flustered look.

"Yeah... If that's what you want to do," he scratches the back of his neck, blushing like a bride.

"Some advice," I say, walking toward the tavern. "Get to know each other again. You both could have changed a lot from what the other one remembers."

"Thanks again, Kidd." He follows me attempting to keep up with my long strides.

Nassau may be under the control of the British but they don't hold it too heavily. For now it's just about boasting. None of the Pirates want it back is the problem. We realized what it was once the sickness took its people. It was a lost cause. We had no way of governing it and no one wanted to take that leap.

We stroll across the white sand. The tavern taking sight as we hit the dirt path I've walked enough times to be able to do it with my eyes closed. The wood stairs creak under my feet and I make sure to skip the sixth stair as I stride up two at a time. Keefer doesn't pay mind and steps on it. The distressed noise it gives off is enough to make the cat below the stairs screech.

I listen to the footsteps above, all panicked, running as far from the tavern as they can. It's been our sign for years wether a guard is entering. All the regulars know of it and avoid it every time, but this time it's just a smitten lad and not a guard ready to see them swing from the gallows.

I walk around the stairs to catch sight of the pretty redhead wiping down the bar innocently. She looks up and sees me, her brow furrowing. "You leave without a word for months and come back to scare all my customers away. What do you have to say for yourself?" She marched over to me, feigning anger and wraps her arms around my shoulders.

"Sorry about leaving but it wasn't me who scared away your patrons."

She lets me go, looking past my shoulder at the dark haired boy. "I know you," she says matter of factly, walking up to him. He looks slightly intimidated which isn't uncommon in Anne's presence.

"And I know you." He looks like he's going to melt, uncertainty, excitement, and fear all flash before his eyes in a fury of doubt. "You were the one that said you wouldn't forget me but you were Louis back then."

She stops in front of him, her hand going over her mouth and tears coming to her eyes. "I never thought I'd see you again." Her arms go around him and he hugs her back just as fiercely.

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