1 - Above and Below the Surface

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Clay POV:

I zipped up my wet suit as I hurried out to the surf shed, it was only 5am making it the best time to go catch some waves, the beach is always empty since everyone else along the Florida coast was still at home, its just me alone with my thoughts "CLAY!" I jumped not expecting to hear my roommate and team members voice this early in the morning

I turned around with a hand on my chest feeling my heart pounding from the surprise "What the hell was that Nick. Pretty sure my heart is in my throat now!" I paused for a moment not wanting to get angry at my best friend, closing my eyes as a I took a deep breath "What is it?" I opened the shed grabbing my bright green hybrid surfboard before turning my attention back to the ravenette.

"I know you usually take this time to yourself, but Captain wants all of us to go down and practice before the met tomorrow." I looked down noticing that he was half in his wet suit with the arms tied around his waist leaving him shirtless

I sighed grabbing Nick's white body board handing it to him "Is Zak up?"

The other nodded taking the board from my hands "Thanks, and yeah he actually woke me up, I just happened to see you first. He is making us something to eat on the way, so you and I can just get this all in the truck and be ready by the time he comes out."
I nodded in agreement taking the board back from Nick "I'll go put these in the car, you get Zak's board and harness, I'll come back to help you with the sail." He gave me a thumbs up acknowledging that he heard me, before he entered the shed. I smiled a little walking through the side gate placing the two boards back in the truck.

I looked out to the road and saw a man light light brown hair, glasses, red swim trunks, a white life guard muscle tee, a red and black beaded bracelet, walking in red flip flops, he lifted his head from his phone and I immediately recognized a familiar face making me smile "Darryl! How's my favorite life guard?" I waved him over into the yard

Darryl looked over at me and smiled walking over to me both of us sharing a quick hug "Hey Clay, I'm doing okay just headed down to the beach early this morning. I'm guessing you guys are doing the same." He looked down at the boards in the trunk of the car.

I nodded waving him to follow me as I headed back to the backyard "Yeah I was gonna go alone, but Captain wants us to practice early today for the met tomorrow, so Nick and I are loading up while Zak makes food. Have you eaten yet he can make you something too if you'd like." I held the gate open so he could walk on through

He quickly stepped through the gate chuckling "Classic Jordan, but hey he's made you guys champions." He waved at Nick as he came out of the shed with Zak's board "And I'm okay I ate before I left the house." He smiled at Nick one more time "Hey Nick!"

Nobody's POV

Nick smiled widely propping the board against the shed and walked over to Darryl and Clay "Well if it isn't my man Darryl!" He pulls him into a quick hug "How you-"

The window above them flys open and Zak pops half his body out after hearing that Darryl was here, he looked down gasping "Darryl! Hi!" He waved down to him leaning a bit more out the window his wet suit was also tied around his waist, he wore a blue diamond shirt coving his torso

Darryl got a little worried that he was going to fall "Hi Zak, but for my own heart and your safety place put your body back into the house your scaring me." He held his arms out a little out of instinct in case he had to catch him

Clay and Nick smirked at eachother "Aww is Darryl concerned for Zak's safety?" Clay ruffled the smaller ones hair causing Darryl to blush bright red

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