6 - The Competition Pt. 2

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Nobody's POV.

Clay pulled a green surf shirt over his head as he looked out to the water smiling to himself "Good day for a surf isn't it Hunt." Wilbur slapped the blonds back standing next to him, Clay let out a small laugh nodding "Yeah, the waves are looking great. Just be sure to not belly flop in the barrel of the wave." He elbowed the taller smirking "That was one time and I still don't know how I managed that."

The blond male chuckled as he knelt down by his board starting to wax it up "You ready for today?" Wilbur nodded flopping on the ground across from him "Ready to kick your ass, beat you last time lets make it two in a row."

"You wish." Clay smirked looking back at the clock to see when the next heat started seeing that they've got some time "So any girls that want to date the amazing Wilbur Soot?" Will chuckled nodding his head "There has been a few, but you know my reasoning for turning them away." The blond nodded placing the surf wax into his bag "Yeah but you still deserve to be happy, you know? Why wait on one girl, you've been waiting for years." Will sighed shrugging his shoulders "Because...there just hasn't been another I want. Enough about me, same question for you, has your little pan heart been fluttering for another?"

Clay rolled his eyes nudging Will in the arm "No one in particular..." his voice trailed off watching a burnette girl walk by them, Willbur laughed clapping his hands "You were saying?" Clay blushed bright red "Shut up We've got two more minutes, we should head to the starting line." He picked his board up as he stood to his feet, he turned to Wilbur offering him a hand, the other took it letting the blond pull him to his feet

Wilbur grabbed his board as the two headed to the starting line. The countdown came and went sending the group of men into the water, Clay grabbed the sides of his board duck diving under the wave he glanced down at the see floor seeing a blurred image of a giant tail and brown hair laying on the sea floor looking at him, he resurfaced again confused as to what he saw, he shrugged it off as he continued to paddle farther into the water. He looked up seeing a decent wave coming up, Clay turned his board and started to paddle trying to catch the wave "Yo green boy! This ones mine!" Wilbur cut Clay off catching the wave

"Soot is able to cut Hunt off from the inside, and he's up! He goes into the barrel of the wave, big snap off the top, he makes his way into the white water with a bottom turn and ends it with a three sixty, an amazing wave by Wilbur Soot the surfer in yellow!"

Clay rolled his eyes watching Wilbur paddle up to him "You stole my ride." Wilbur shrugged paddling past him "All is fair in love and war my friend."

"Looks like Hunt has dropped in on a very nice ride, big snap off the top, he draws out his second bottom turn, and hooks up one more time, Clay Hunt is holding nothing back potentially one of the highest scoring rides of the day as this heat comes to end!"

Clay dove off his board once he got close to the beach, he resurfaced pushing his hair out of his face with both of his hands smiling wide as he grabbed his board trudging out of the water once he reached the beach he ran over to Jordan hugging him tightly "Now THAT is how you ride a wave Clay!" Jordan laughed releasing from the hug patting Clay's back "Proud of you kid."

Wilbur walked out of the water holding his board and sighed "Will!" Tommy ran over to Wilbur hugging him "That was so cool man!" Will sighed ruffling the blonds hair "Thanks Tommy, but you heard them Clay had the better ride."

"Doesn't matter you still did amazing." Phil said as he walked over patting Will on the back "You've got a few more heats to go, there is still a chance for a turn around."

After another hour of the surf portion of the met the time came for the trophy ceremony

The Sharks and Mavericks walked over to where a crowd was already gathered waiting for the results, when Marks voice came over the speakers "Alright everybody, our third place winner is Alex Nevada, with a score of twenty six!" A brown haired guy wearing a bucket hat walked up taking the third place trophy as he stepped onto the lower platform

"Second place is, Wilbur Soot, with a score of thirty one!" Will handed his board to Tommy before jogging up to the second place platform taking the trophy as he waved to the crowd

"And in first place its Clay Hunt, with a score of thirty six!" Clay jogged up to the first place platform grabbing his trophy "Wilbur you did good." He held his hand down to Wilbur giving it a firm shake doing the same to Alex "Now folks these three are definitely worth keeping an eye on as regionals are coming soon! Now wind surfers in heat one you've got ten minutes."

Jordan and Toby walked over to where Phil and Tommy were standing, Jordan laughed a little "Looks like its gonna be a clean sweep today for us Phil, it feels nice." Phil chuckled placing his hand on Jordans shoulder "Jordan my friend, your forgetting something. We have one thing you'll never ever have." Jordan looked down at Toby a little confused "And what might that be?" Tommy smiled placing his hands on his hips "We have the Blade!" He let out a battle cry running away from them "Lets go Techno!"


1024 Words

It's back! And be prepared for maybe two updates a week, this is gonna be a long story so get ready for the long ride

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