Chapter 6

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Thank you for being so patient! After my birthday I stopped writing bc honestly I didn't feel like myself, sort of depressed:/ Anyway how are you? Still liking the story so far?
Let's get in the story now ;)
Briana's POV
*Texting between Briana & Louis*

"Hey Louis are you still awake?" I got after a few minutes a text back.

"Heyy! Yeah I'm still awake, I can't really sleep. My head is a mess atm." Louis replied back.

"What's going around your head? If I may ask ofc :)"
"Many things. Like my mom, you...." I let my eyes slide over the last part again, kind of shocked. Why would he think about me?

"Why are you thinking of me? Did I do something wrong?" I was scared I was about to lose my only friend.

"No! I mean no. You didn't do anything wrong. It's even the opposite! You helped me." I was still looking confused at my screen.

"Sorry I'm asking so much but, why would you think about me?"

"Because your an amazing friend! You didn't even know me yet you helped me." I was blushing just a little bit. Who am I fooling? I never blushed this mad in my life!!

"Wow, I feel honored. I just couldn't think that I could've helped you but didn't. But I'm happy I did. Wanna meet up next Saturday?" I asked Louis anxiously.

"Sure! How about that little cafe close by your house? Around the corner."

"Okay. I'll see you then around 12pm?"

"Yeah, I'll see you then :)"

I normally used my computer for writing chapters but via my phone it's wayyy easier😂
It's a bit short, just a little filler. I promise that soon brouis will be more then "just friends"😊

It started with a text | Brouis JungwirthsonWhere stories live. Discover now