Chapter 10. The Rescue

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The Following Day on the Deserted Planet...

   Obi-wan Kenobi follows up with Clodd and Master Cann via the Comm Beacon. "Clodd...Master Cann...Are you there?" Kenobi asks.

   "Yes, Master Kenobi," Cann replies.

   "I managed to secure a shuttle with the necessary upgrades. I have successfully made it off Tatooine without a serious problem. I am on my way to your location as we speak. Getting ready to enter warp speed."

   "Well done, Master Kenobi. This is good news. Unfortunately, we have some bad news of our own."

   "What's that?"

   " It would appear the thieves we face are not too happy about our back and forth communication. They've been ramping up their attacks on our camp since we last spoke."

   "Sounds like you two have your hands full. Can you hold them off until I arrive?"

   "Yes, but it will be very difficult. We do have barriers, blasters, and other means to hold them off, but the pirates have armor. We'll do our best here for as long as we can."



Sometime Later...

   At the front gate to the encampment, which looks very much improved from before, Clodd arrives with a set of binoculars. As he looks through them, the boy can clearly see a convoy of pirates and thieves heading towards the camp. "Damn," he says. "Another convoy headed this way."

   "Have your blaster ready," says Cann.

   "Yes, Master." Clodd takes his blaster out.

   Merv points out "If I'm not mistaken, this is the largest group they've sent since we got here.

   "It'll be worth it," says Clodd. "Master Kenobi is almost here."

   "He just came out of warp not too long ago," says Cann. "Obi-wan will be here soon I can assure you."

   "I hope so," says Merv with a shrug.

   Soon the thieves begin to open fire on the camp with two armored vehicles. As Clodd and the others fire back, Mirra tells the boy "Hey Clodd! You need to take out that armor!"

   "I'm on it!" says Clodd.

   "I'll go with you!" says Cann. The boy and his uncle then force jump over the gate. They quickly make their way towards the enemy vehicles while alternating the use of their lightsabers to deflect bolts and shooting their blasters to counter attack. "Nephew! You take the one on the left! I'll go for the one on the right!"

   "Copy that!" Carefully the two Jedi move in close before getting inside the enemy vehicles and disabling them with Merv and the others providing much needed cover fire. As the two Jedi exit the vehicles, the enemy forces open fire on them, but Cann and Clodd use their lightsabers to deflect blaster bolts once more. Soon the remaining enemy forces begin to fall back. "Looks like they're retreating!" says Clodd.

   Master Cann points out "Not quite! Looks like there's another convoy further back! It seems even larger than the last one!"

   "Dank Farrik! These guys sure are persistent!"

   "Hey, fellas!" Merv calls out. "I think something just entered the atmosphere! That your ride out of here?!"

   Cann and Clodd both look up at the sky. "Yea, that's him alright!" Clodd confirms.

   Soon Master Kenobi's shuttle opens fire on the thieves' convoy, wiping out a large portion of it with a single sweep. With that the convoy begins to make a full retreat. Clodd and Cann then wave at the shuttle to signal their location to Obi-wan. As the transport lands, a doorway opens and Kenobi exits the vehicle. He then gestures for the two other Jedi to follow him. "You two have seen better days," says Obi-wan. "Only have enough room for two others I'm afraid, not including R3 of course." Clodd's R3 unit beeps excitedly.

   "Hey it's fine," says Clodd as he removes his head bandage. "The others decided not to come with us."

   Obi-wan looks surprised. "Oh really?"

   "Yeah. This place 'grew on them' apparently."

   Cann bows his head and says "Thank you, Master Kenobi. We are in your debt. I hope we live to return the favor."

   "Indeed," Obi-wan says. "Getting back to Mos Eisley will be just as dangerous as getting here. Good thing I was able to modify the ship. Those pirates were more dangerous than I expected." As Clodd, Cann, and R3 enter the vehicle, Kenobi looks over at Merv and Mirra who both nod and wave their hands goodbye. Kenobi enters the vehicle again, the door closes, and the transport takes off.


Meanwhile on the Remote Farming Moon of Raada...

   Jedi Defector Bakkou lands his vessel next to a farm before exiting the transport. As he vaults over a fence separating the crops from the road, the lad is quick to notice his target, who is currently speaking to a human female and two children. Despite the uncanny resemblance between the target and the two children, the lad isn't moved. As the lady and two children leave the area, Bakkou moves quickly towards the target's position.

   The target is a human male who is currently tending to his crops. Just as Bakkou's target starts to turn around, the boy ignites his purple lightsaber and stabs the poor man in the chest, killing him instantly.

   As the target's body goes limp, Bakkou lays him down on the ground and shuts his eyes using his fingers. From the look on his face, Bakkou is clearly shaken, but that doesn't slow him down. He quickly makes his way back to his transport and takes off.

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