Chapter 21. The Sacrifice

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Two Days Later...Aboard the Imperial Cruiser...

   Clodd is awakened by the voice of his Uncle and Master saying "Clodd? Clodd, Wake Up! We need get moving!"

   Startled at the sight of his uncle right next to him in his cell, the boy says "Uncle? H-how'd you get in here? No. Scratch that. How'd you even get free?"

   "Listen, Nephew. We haven't that much time. Now come. We need to get out of here."

   Clodd gets up from the bed he's on. "Alright."

   "Follow my lead," says Cann. They both exit the cell and start running down the hallway.


   As the two Jedi make their way through the vessel, they come across an intersection in the hall. Here, Cann gestures his nephew to stop. "Hold on," he says silently while poking his head out from the corner of the wall next to him. "Clone Trooper up ahead. He's mine..." Cann then force pulls the clone towards him before grabbing him, pulling him behind the corner, then putting him into a chokehold. He manages to knock out the clone trooper within seconds.

   Cann then points in the opposite direction of where the first clone came from. "Another Clone trooper over there," he says.

    "I'm on it," says Clodd.

    The boy does the exact same maneuver that his uncle did the moment before. When he succeeds, Master Cann says "You make me very proud, Nephew. Now continue straight ahead. Let's go."

   As the two Jedi continue through the corridor, the boy asks " did you get out anyway?"

   "Well...As luck would have it..." says Cann. "...One of the Clones decided to slack off and got a little bit too close to my cell. Naturally, I was able to use the force to trick him into letting me out."

   "Nice work, Uncle."

   "It was good timing as well, Clodd. By focusing my senses, I heard one of the clones say that The Emperor decided to disembark not too long ago. Without him, Lord Vader should be less of an issue."

   "Here's to hoping. But what about that other prisoner? Shouldn't we try to rescue her?"

   "I can no longer sense her force presence here. I fear she's been relocated...or worse."

   "Dammit!" the boy exclaims before taking a breath. "In any case, we still need to take out their tractor beam, cuz otherwise we're stuck here."

   "Let me worry about that, Nephew. You should focus your attention on reacquiring your lightsaber. I suspect that it's in a different part of the ship."

   Clodd is visibly concerned about this as they both stop moving. "You want us to split up? Uncle, you understand how dangerous that is? What if Vader catches us?"

   "He will not catch us if we move quickly," says Cann while handing a comm-link over to Clodd. "Now go on ahead and find the saber."

   "If only it were that simple. I'll need to focus my senses on the Kyber Crystal within the saber itself. It's gonna be tricky."

   "You need to trust your instincts, Clodd. Trust in the force, just like on Ilum. You do that, and you'll find the saber in no time."

   "But what about yours?"

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