Chapter 30. The Burial

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On the surface of Thabeska...

   Clodd has just finished burying Bakkou in the dirt right next to the traitor's transport, with Ahsoka standing not too far off on the opposite side of the vehicle. Looking at the defector's inactive saber in her hands, Tano deploys it briefly and looks at the purple blade before deactivating it and stowing it away with her gear.

   Bakkou's R3 unit rolls up to the traitor's grave and beeps sadly. "I'm sorry you had to see that play out, R3," says Clodd with sincerity. "There uh..." He shakes his head. "There was no other way. I-I'm sorry."

   Just then, Tano affects a scoff and concernedly asks "Do you really trust him, Clodd?"

   "W-What do you mean?"

   "Bakkou spent a lotta time with his R3 Unit ever since he became a Padawan. And R3 stayed with Bakkou on his way over here. Can we really trust him?"

   Clodd thinks for a second. "I uh...don't wanna assume anything."

   "Hey, in case you weren't aware, Clodd, I dealt with some sleazy droids over the years. When I was on mission with Anakin, an R3-S6 unit pulled a fast one on us and we almost lost R2. How do we know that this one won't rat us out to the empire?"

   R3 beeps as if to say "Woah."

   The boy Jedi crosses his arms and says "That's...understandable. But if this R3 unit wanted to sink us both he coulda done it during the fight with Bakkou, and the little guy kept his distance the entire time."

   "This is true," Ahsoka says. "But there are other ways that he can hurt us, Clodd. Hell, for all we know he may have already given our coordinates to the Empire. If that's the case-." R3's response is immediate. He beeps and projects a holographic display of the exact coordinates he sent to the empire. Tano reads the coordinates and says "That's...not right. These coordinates are nowhere near Thabeska. Did you give them wrong coordinates on purpose?" R3 beeps in affirmation. "Huh. Well that's...helpful I guess." She shrugs her shoulders.

   "Satisfied yet?" Clodd asks.

   "No....Not quite," the lass replies.

   R3 then shows them something else. He plays an audio recording of Cal Kestis on Bracca. "I know you're not a bad droid, and I don't wanna hurt you..."

   Clodd seems to recognize the voice. "Wait..." He says. The recording stops. "I know who that is. His name is Cal. Cal Kestis. Jaro Tapal took him in as a Padawan."

   Ahsoka's eyes widen with astonishment. "What? I-Is Tapal still alive?" R3 beeps a negative and sad response. "Ohh...okay. W-what about Cal? Did Cal make it at least?" R3 beeps a positive response. "Hmph...That...that's a"

   The recording continues. "...You don't have to listen to him. That guy? I-I know he's your friend, but...still...Yeah...I know he's scary, but as long as he doesn't find me, our secret is safe. You have my word...Thank you."

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