the gae ark

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One day, Misha our God called apon one of his many gay followers and told them: you need to get two people of every sexuality on a boat by Wednesday or everyone's gonna drown in sparkling water.

This dude Noah being gay himself desided that him and his boyfriend would be the two gays on the boat. He then went out on a quest to find two of every sexuality. He went to his local coffee shop and looked for anyone with cuffed jeans luckily for him the barista had cuffed jeans. Noah simply asked the barista if they were bisexual and they responded with a: of course I am what else would I be? Noah laughed and explained his plan. The barista nodded and said they would go along with this plan.

By process of elimination, Noah finally found everyone. He then realized he hadn't made a boat. He then realized the lesbians were strong so they could help him.

"Yo uh can the lesbians step forward?"

Two women about 19 stepped forward. One was wearing a snapback which automatically made her les. The other girl was in fishnets and platform boots so-

"Which one of you has a Rona gift card?" They both raised their hand "um ok. Can I uh use one so I can make this boat?"

Everyone collectively looked at eachother and shouted things about helping and building. One of the aromantic people yelled they were too weak and couldn't help.

They started building the boat at 4:00 pm and finished at 11:00. The boat was very similar to the titanic but it was painted with every single pride flag there was.

Noah smiled and told everyone to get in. The people started to shuffle in a few of them tripping while trying to board.

Soon it started to rain but luckily everyone was on the boat. Some people pulled out champagne glasses and drank the rain.

Around 2:20 am on Wednesday the entire world was flooded. All buildings were flooded and people were trying to swim.

The rain soon ceased and Noah and his heard of people got off the boat. All they saw were rainbows everywhere and that, well thats pretty gae.

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