Tuesday Christ and the epic homophobe

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Our story begins on May 30th. Tuesday Christ was just chillin out talking to their disciples as one does. Then out of nowhere one of their so called 'followers' blurted;

"Gaes shouldn't have rights"

Tuesday Christ slowly turned their head to stare at the disciple who blurted this monstrosity.

"E x c u s e m e"

"I said" the person paused, took a breath and continued "I said gaes shouldn't have rights."

Tuesday Christ blinked and turned their head back to their main homie. Their main homie was actually Joseph whom they called big j.

"Big j please read page 2 in my diary."

Joseph quickly grabbed Tuesdays journal and began reading.

"Today I founded a religion. My father God, wanted me to make everyone and everything gae. So I'm trying my hardest. I have my bff big j to help so that's pretty swag. Anyways the people whom I'm trying to get rid of are: homophobic, racist, abilist, creeps. Now how am I going to do this? Well first I shall turn everyone gae. Then well, I'll think about what to do after." Joseph stopped reading and looked up and Tuesday.

"Thank you big j. Now ya little binch, I shall have to use my powers and turn you gae. Sorry."

The disciple quivered and started to interject.


"NO BUTS- you shall now only like men. And men only." Tuesday looked him in the eyes and whispered "uh so Misha the all powerful god pls make this work. I don't wanna look like an idiot"

Now because Misha is the g.o.a.t he went through with Tuesdays plan and implanted a chip into his dudes brain to make him gae.

The disciple fell over and began doing sumersaults.

"Yo are you good?" Tuesday asked


"Hey um Tuesday maybe we should leave." Big j offered.

"Yea that's a good idea"

So they all left.

And as for the disciple, well he fell in love w/ Tuesday. But that's a tale for another time.

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