Chapter 2: The painful past...

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A/N this is what happened before all that is now... Some things may change...

The soldier's name, Was Chase Shepherd. He led a team of the greatest commandos into the most horrific and dangerous area's... Until they were all dishonorable discharged. He had been able to keep in touch with one... Skye Eaglton. But one his way home, he fell asleep while on the road, therefore he crashed and had a dream... He dreamt a powerful virus, known as the Skuck virus, had taken control of his home... Once he woke up, he found Himself in a hospital bed, with beeping machines around him.

Chase: W-where am I?

Chase heard a door open, and saw a doctor walk in.

Doctor: Ah, good morning patient 17!

Chase: Good morning?

Doctor: I will notify your parents and freind of your waking up...

The doctor left the room, and not Long after, chase's parents came in, and hugged him tightly.

Chase's mom: Oh my son chase! We were so worried for you! But all of that's behind us now! And one more thing...

Chase: Im okay Mom... What is it?

Chase's mom: You know our family costum? The one about us picking who you'll spend your life with?

Chase: Um yeah?

Chase's mom: We found one to replace that one idiot you shouldn't have ever met! Meet sweetie!



Skye had just landed on her parents ranch/air Field... With her being the only member of her family left, she felt very much alone. None of her other squad members was in contact with her, except for Chase... Skye walked inside the house and unpacked her items... Including a picture of their Squad. She placed it in a frame, and hung it on the wall. She then looked around the house, and went into her dad's secret room. Once she entered, she noticed a few problems...

Skye: Hmmm, I need to get more medicine... More ammo... And More guns, definitely more guns.

Skye felt her phone vibrate, and checked it to see a message from one of her old highschool"freinds" Stacy lairs...

Stacy:  Heeey gurl! I hear you for your self a house all to your self!

Skye: Uh, yeah... What do you want Stacy?

Stacy: Just to party! And have you meet my freind, John...

Skye: No.

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