Chapter 13: Evacuation.

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The PAW Squad was eating, no one was on watch due to a meeting, and they all had to discuss what Chase said..

Marshall: Chase, there are bandits out there!

Rocky: But, also civilians!

Chase: Guys, i-

Marshall: Maybe, but still!

Suddenly, Skuck infects broke the door down, and a jumper shoved Chase to the ground as a Large one smacked all the other's into the wall, the Jumper raised it's blood stained claws to kill Chase... Skye closed her eyes, and they heard a gunshot.

The Jumper fell over dead, then the Large on fell to the ground.

Then, three commandos, dressed in full combat gear entered.

????: PAW Squad 8 lead?

Chase: That would be me, who are you?

?????: Oh, you don't remember me, Chase?

Chase: agent Skase?

Skase: Roger that.

??.??: Lead Chase, I'm Commander Rich, My team of four were sent here to evacuate you and your team...

Zuma: But there are only 3 days f you, where is the fourth?

The Commandos all looked at the ground.

????: He is...

Skase: Dead, he's dead Miracle!

Miracle: What kind of brother in arms are you to believe he's dead???!

Skase: No perfectly normal human being could have survived that!

Miracle: We know he was special!

Skase: Oh yeah, he was special alright! He was mental! He was going to die on this mission anyway! He acted like a kid! He was going to get killed by his own stupidity!

Miracle charged at Skase, nocking him off his feet and preparing to punch him.

Rich: Stop it! Both of you! Would he have died just so you two could fight?! We have a mission to finish!

Miracle: Yes sir...

Skase: Yes sir...

Chase: How are we going to leave?

Rich: Get what you need, and get in your vehicles.

Soon, everyone was putting supplies in the vehicles. Once they were filled, everyone got in, and with the Commandos leading, drove off.


In a pile of brocken cement chunks, twisted metal and a infect bodies, a dirty hand rises out, pulls up a face to see dark blue eyes...

Hope you all enjoyed this chapter of Hell on earth!

Leave comments if you think you know who the dark blue eyes belong to!

Thank you for reading, and this chapter, was brought to you by Counter Strike Condition Zero!

Ha ha, jk, it wasn't.

Cya next time!

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