Chapter 15: Fodder for Firepower

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The Covert Ops and Wolf were walking through the sewer tunnel, when suddenly, two infected Jumpers attacked!

Fadlan: S07! All yours!

S07 quickly drew two TEC 9s, and opened fire.

S07 quickly drew two TEC 9s, and opened fire

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Fadlan: Shep! Stay with her!

Shep: Roger that.

Shep primed his M16GL and opened fire in 3 round bursts...

Shep primed his M16GL and opened fire in 3 round bursts

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Fadlan: Wolf, can you fly a AH-6?

Wolf: Yeah!

They quickly came to a ladder that led them up to the surface, at an Air force base.

Fadlan: Over there.

He pointed at a AH-6 Little Bird.

Fadlan: Once the others arrive, we'll get to your friends

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Fadlan: Once the others arrive, we'll get to your friends.

Wolf: Roger.


Lead: take their friends away, like to Omega Base.

Bandit: heh heh..

The Bandits took the rest of their prisoners to military base swarmed with infects.

Bandit: You'll die here!

Rocky: Not all of us Joe, you can let me go now.

Joe (bandit): oh yeah, sorry sir.

They released Rocky and gave him his gear.

Zuma: Why?????

Rocky: well, I have a little secret... I was the one who got us booted from the army, I was the one who made both viruses! I was the one who had those guys kidnap Skye! I'm the leader of all of these bandits! ME! ME! ME!

Rubble: But still, why did you do it????

Rocky: It's obvious. Skye.

Everest: Skye??

Rocky: Why should that losing idiot Chase get her? He's so stupid with his Chivalrous self! In fact, I'm ony way, to kill him, with his own gun! And you all get stay here, and die! Suckers!

Rocky jumped in the truck, having the bandits kick the squad out and they drove of.

Marshall: How do we get out of this??

Rick: I've got a knife... And I see the armory, if we can get the weapons we can save Chase and Skye!

They quickly cut the zip ties that held them, and snuck to the armory. Once they arrived they found many weapons and gear. They loaded up, and found a radio.


The others ran out of the man hole, shooting beneath them.

Fadlan: Wolf! Get in the air!!!

Wolf lifted off as they jumped on and took off towards Omega Base.

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