Chapter 8: First things first...

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Chase had arrived at Skye's house, when he remembered the problem.

Chase: I don't want to break her home, I'm going to be accurate and use my Pistol. 

Chase then left his M4 in the truck, and prepped his pistol and entered the house. It was quite, messy and it stank of alcohol.

Chase's mind: Ugh, I hate that scent.

Chase cautiously moved around in the house, when he heard muffled screams. He instantly recognized the voice.

Chase: Skye! 

He ran toward the scream, and was horrified by what he saw, it was something he didn't want to see. Skye was in a blanket, with a gun to her head, duct tape on her mouth, and tears in her eyes.

????: Drop the gun, or I'll kill her!

Chase: you don't have the training that I do! For instance, your gun isn't loaded or even primed!

?????: Maybe, but I can still have the advantage.

Chase then felt a gun at the back of his head.

????: Drop it!

Chase then put his gun down, and put his hands behind his head.

John: Great job Mack!

Mack: Thanks John!

Chase: what have you done to Skye?!

John: Calm down, you should leave my girlfriend alone here!

Skye's eyes then had instant fear in them. She pleaded with chase to do something.

Chase: You like pain?

John: What do you mean?

Chase then grabbed a knife from his boot and stabbed Mack in the head, killing him instantly. Chase then grabbed it and threw it into John's hand, causing him to scream in pain and drop the gun. Chase then picked up his gun and shot John in the legs. Chase then walked over to Skye and released her from her bounds. Skye hugged Chase deeply and weeped.

Skye: Th-thank you s-so much!

Chase hugged her back and gave her the gun to finish John off, who was trying to get the knife out. Skye took a look into his eyes, and pulled the trigger. Hitting his head and killing him instantly.

Skye: There are two others here, the can't use guns and they are girls.

Chase: Okay then, you get some clothes on. I don't want to see you like this right now.

Skye: Oh yeah. Heh heh...

Skye was blushing hard, she could feel it. She quickly gave Chase his gun and Chase left the room so Skye could change. She quickly closed the door once he left and looked for clothes she could wear.

Skye: H-he saw me... Like this...


Chase was searching through the house, thinking.

Chase's mind: This isn't going to leave my mind anytime soon...

He searched a room and found two girls inside scared to death.

Chase: Get up.

They both obeyed him and stood up.

Chase: Hands behind your head and walk out of this room, slowly.

They both obeyed.

Chase: Now get downstairs!

????: w-what are you going to do to us?

Chase then smiled.

Chase: Your going to get cleaning up your mess!


As soon as rubble and tracker arrived, Rocky lifted the tarp off of his creation and they all stood in aw.

As soon as rubble and tracker arrived, Rocky lifted the tarp off of his creation and they all stood in aw

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Zuma: Bruh, how did you even make this!?

Rocky: I have my ways...

They all then heard screams...

Rocky: Let's get out of here! Everybody, into the truck now!

They all got in and began there trip out of Dodge.

A/N hope you all enjoyed this chapter! I have a challenge for you all! Go and talk to someone you like! Like, crush like! They might enjoy it or need you to! That's my challenge, good luck, and hope you have enjoyed this chapter! Cya around! Oh, and SkASE FOREVER!!!!!

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