001. the call

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3rd pov

walking down an office hallway, you can find two women. the faint scent of leather and lavender in the air, it was a part of the uniform. the bright led lights from above illuminated the two womens faces. you find a female with dark brown hair tied into a slick low bun with narrowing eyes and sharp features, agent maria hill. right beside her with a hop in her step, you can find a girl with fluffy light brown hair, freckles that help make her hazel eyes pop, and an adorable button nose, agent alessia keener. the two had been friends ever since alessia joined, they were polar opposites though. thats how most people in the industry were when compared to alessia, not that anyone would know.

alessia was always a bubbly and sarcastic person with people shes comfortable with but she can switch up real quickly if she needs to. thats just how she is. she can seem cold hearted and quiet at times but that doesnt mean she has to be like that all the time. not a lot of people have seen her true personality, only a couple of agents really. its hard to trust people when all you really know are lies.

" agent hill to conference room 9, agent hill to conference room 9" announces a raspy voice over the intercom. both agents look at eachother with underlying confusing, wondering who summonded maria.

"well ill just walk you there, c'mon hill" alessia says going around maria and pushing her all the way down the hall to the elevator.

"i got it, i got it. you know i can walk right?"

"of course i do, just felt like doing it though" alessia says with a lazy grin. they both start talking about how agent keeners mission went when they end up at conference room 9's door. agent hill hits her arm to tell her to stop talking to so they can enter. there they see director nick fury in all his glory. alessia broke out into a huge grin and skipped inside.
"heyyyy fury" alessia says as she come to a stop 3 feet infront of nick.

"agent keener, what are you doing here?"

"well, i finished my mission earlier than expected and got bored. decided to accompany hill here to say hello!" she said cocking her head towards maria.

"ah, well i have to talking to agent hill here in private but please stay here because i would like to review your mission afterwards"

"okie dokie fury" she stated with a thumbs up and turned her heals towards the door to stand.

"never say that again please" fury mumbled whike shaking his head

as hill sat down next to fury and started talking in low voices, agent keener stood there with her feet shoulder-width while looking straight forward. she started going over escape plans from the building since shield was unstable and was overthrown. they were currently in an abandoned building that was built just in case of this reason. alessia knew something was wrong when fury died, but right when she found out she got a knock on her door. hill took her to the building to find fury there, alive. from there on she went to shield building so they wouldnt suspect anything, then go to fury's building on her free time like some other agents.

she got bored quickly and started to blow a strand of hair that was out of place and in her face. as she put her hair in place, someones phone rang. she looked for her phone in her pocket, looked at it and said, "i gotta take this, ill be right back, cool? cool"

"agent a here, what can i do for you"

"A! how have you been?" the voice said.

"Clinton?! how retirement treating you, old man?" she said with a goofy grin and relaxed body leaning against the wall.

"im offended first of all. second thing is ima need a favor"

" not that i care but why should i help?"

" i saved your life over 7 times and trained you. thats why" he said with a stern voice, you could basically hear him roll his eyes.

"fine whatcha need katniss?"

" i need you in germany" he questioned rather than stated.

"whatever, your lucky i actually like you." she said as she kicked off the wall and took her phone off of her shoulder and  hung up beofre he could rebuttal. "hey nicky, i gotta go to germany for a favor. try not to assign any missions. ill update you maybe!!" she exclaimed as she opened the door and stuck her head in and walked off beofre he could object.

she walked out the office and got her keys out to her Vance & Hines Radius 2 into 2 Exhaust Black.  she always like motorcycles and liked the wind in her face. she started her engine and put her  helmet on. safety first, am i right?

833 words.
this isnt the best tbh but it is what it is. the picture on top is what you are wearing or the inspo but you can change it. also i have no idea about motorcycles so yea.... hope this was good enough. enjoy your day :)

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