002. airport pt. 1

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3rd pov

here was alessia, she had to go to germany as a favor for her trainer. she wanted a break since she just got back from a mission that day but what can you do for family. as she drove her motorcycle into the germany airport, she took a flight and got to take the motorbike with her, she sighed and rolled her shoulders back in attempt to calm down.

clint already texted her where the meeting was and when she should get there. as you can tell by her personality, she didnt care for time. as she pulled up to the level of where to cars where she fixed her black domino mask that hides her identity. she still had a family that she wanted to protect. only the people she grew to love knew her identity like agent hill, romanoff, barton, and director nicky fury. she didnt really need anyone knowing things that were personally so she also changed her code name to avatar.

cheesy right? and i know you might be asking, she has powers of the avatar? yea, she has control over the elements and can even do the glowy thing when using all powers. she only uses it during special occasions, kind of like a secret weapon of sorts. or when shes pushed too far on a topic . but she tries to keep it under wraps. and people might put the pieces together if you call someone avatar because of avatar: the last airbender or the legend of korra so thats why they stick with "A" or "Angel". as you can tell they have a thing for a's.

she pulls up to a parking space next to a very old car and takes off her helmet. "hey barton and other unknown peole" she says with a nod and goes to stand next to barton.

"guys, this is A, shes my trainee and one of the top agents." barton says as he puts his hands on her shoulders like a father does to their kid.

"thats nice but why is she here?" bucky says with a hint of annoyance. he didnt like how many people were getting dragged into this.

"the more people, the easier we clear your name." clint says. "this is wanda, pietro, scott, sam, bucky, and steve."

each person waved or nodded their head in recognition. or some people *cough bucky cough* stood there glaring at A.

"good to know but old man, why am i here and what are we doing?" she says as she shifts her gaze towards clint with an eyebrow raised. she never liked being left without any knowledge, it sucked and reminded her of the past.

"ah, well bucky here is being framed from killing a king and the governemnt wants the avengers to sign something so that they can say when we get to fight and stuff. as you can see we didnt sign it and we are gonna fight the avengers that did sign it because they are coming to get bucky." clint said really fast and big hand movements.

"got it. so i just got to fight some people and then i can be on my merry way?" she said while shifting her weight between her feet hoping just to get this over with.

"yup, thats basically it." he said while shrugging. alessia nodded her head and turned to steve when he added a couple of words.

"alright, suit up and meet back here in 15."


ok sorry this was short. i havent watched civil war in a while so im doing it by memory, i also decided to have pietro still be alive. at the time im writing this, is my brothers birthday so thats nice! im hiding in my room cause i dont feel like socializing.

words: ~570

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