003. airport pt. 2

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3rd pov

alessia stayed by clint and wanda while cap walked out to see if they could use a helicopter that was sitting there. everyone was all across the airport, people with powers are put with people in no powers as teams. bucky with sam and pietro, cap and ant man, and finally wanda was with clint and alessia.

keener could still feel the stink eye that bucky was giving her, it wasnt the best feeling and she didnt really understand why he was mad with her. she was just her as a favor for clint and was helping out for his case. she still didnt understand why he wasnt focusing on helping out sam, his partner. sam was working on finding a plane or any air craft really. as sam was looking and the others were scouting the place, keener could feel people arriving. "clint, someone is coming." she whisper yelled while hitting him with the back of her hand on the shoulder.

as she said that you could hear jet noises coming from the sky. here came iron man and war machine in there full body armour. she never really understood why people put their life endanger like this but who was she to judge. you could hear the metal of their armour clink to the ground and see tony starks face and a newly additioned black eye. as they were talking alessia finally got to the spot in the airport where they could see what was going on and had the high ground. she decided to pay attention to the conversation when she heard nats voice. "steve, you know whats avout to happen. you really wanna punch your way out of this one?" she said in a calm voice.

"clint are you serious? if i would have known nat was here then i would have never showed up?!" she whisper yelled to clint forgetting that people could hear their conversation through the ear piece.

"sorry ale- A, thats exactly i why i DIDNT tell you, because then you wouldnt have come"

"maybe you should have told her" bucky mumbled, you could practically hear the eye roll.

"we find out it, the quinjet is in hanger five, north runway" sam chimes in, breaking the argument. reminded them about the meaning of why there were here.

once steve got the heads up he lifted his webbed hands over his head as an arrow passed through it, breaking the bonds. tony puts his mask back on his head while looking around for the source

"alright lang" as cap says these words, ant man cuts off spiderman by growing to his human form and kicking spidey in the face. as he jumped, he grabbed caps shield and gave it to him.

"wha- what the hell was that?!" war machine asks, in shock while looking at scott.

"i believe this is yours captain america!"

"oh great. alright there is three on the parking deck, one of the is wanda. ima grab them, rodey you wanna take cap?" tony says. you can feel the irritation coming off of him as he flies to wanda and her group.

"i got three in the terminal, wilson, barnes, and pietro." rodey says as he lets himself off the ground.

"barnes is mine!" t'challa exclaims as he runs towards the building. cap throws his shield towards war machine which merely sent his back a couple of inches.

"mr. stark, what should i do?" spidey questions in his earpiece.

"do what we disscussed. keep your distance. web them up." as he hears this, launches himself towards the building.

we switch to cap throwing his shield to the back of black pnathers back is he tries to run into the building that bucky barnes is in. the panther whips out his claws as he breaks free from caps head lock. red, white, and blue man sends the panther over his body, luanching him into summer salts in the air and landing into a fighting pose. "move captain, i wont ask a second time" as he finishes his threat, they go into a battle of defences in hand to hand combat.

now we are off to ant man and ms. romanoff~ "look, i really dont wanna hurt you" states ant man with a worried tone.

"i wouldnt stres about it" she rebuttles with a slight smirk. she knees him where the sun dont shine and proceeds to take his arm and try to put it behind his back but fails and have them spinning around. scott turns mini again and flips natasha on to the ground. he proceeds to run across her back while holding her arm as she struggles to break free. she then shocks him which sends him into a van door.

we now watch as spiderman hits the window while keeping up with bucky and sam. Pietro is in front of them making sure no one is near. "what the hell is that?" bucky says as he sees spiderman.

"everyones got a gimmick now" sam says with grit teeth and an eye roll. spidey then webs a rope to obtain momentum and swings through the glass and kicking sam down. he then catches a punch from buckys metal arm.

"you have a metal arm?! that is awesome du-!" as he says this, falcon gets up and proceeds to run at spidey and fly.

as spidey is struggling to get out of sams arms, he speaks, "you have the right to remain silent-" he finally breaks free and webs himself another rope to not fall.

now we see iron man once again shooting at alessias team.

t'challa scratches caps shield in a attempt to get him. he keeps trying to hit him with his claws but ends up failing. as the panther kicks him in the chest, you can faintly hear war machine. "sorry cap, this aint gonna kill you but it aint gonna tickle you either" as he pulls out a stick crackling with lightning. cap falls back by the panthers kick and puts his shield up in time to block the stick of electrical doom.

iron man stops infront of alessias team and points his hand towards them. "wanda, i think you hurt visions feelings."

"you looked me in my room." she says as she narrows her eyes.

"ok first, that was an exaggeration. second i did it to protect you. and third, who is this?!" tony projects as Wanda tilts her head and alessia looks to clint.

"im here as a favor. names a. you can thank clint for having me here." she says with a wink as she gestures to her trainer.

"hey clint"

"hey man"

"clearly retirement didnt suit you, tired of shootin' golf?"

"well i played 18, shot 18... just cant seem to miss" he lifts up his bow and shoots an arrow that bearly misses tony. tony moves his shoulder back and shoots the arrow with his hand.

"well... first time for everything!"

"made you look"clint says with a smug smile. as he finishes that sentence, a car comes flying down and almost hits tony.
several more random cars come tumbling down with the help of wanda. tony begins to shoot at them in hopes on not being hit. you can see wanda in the backround flicking her wrists in deep focus, controlling the red chaos magic that swirls in the air. in one swipe all the cars come falling on top of tony, as is his magic armour is of no use against wanda.

we go back to spidey swinging with jis webs and land on a railing as sam shoots something and makes spidey swing once again. "oh god" he says again as sam almost hits him and his partner. pietro catches the explosive before it hits bucky and runs towards the end on the walk to not fet blown up.
as spidey is faced away, falcon kicks him which makes him lose balance but he catches himself in time and webs up sams jets making him crash into a kiosk. spidey launches himself and webs falcons hands to a railing. as pietro gets back and helps bucky up, they hurry and bucky blocks a kick that was meant for sam. they break throught the glass of the railing and end in a staircase. spiderman then webs up bucky and pietro.

"hey guys, i would love to keep doing this but i only got one job here today and i gotta impress mr. stark so im really sor- what?" as spidey kept rambling on, sam was able to get a drone to grab hild of spideys web and drag him through a window.

"you couldnt have done that earlier" bucky and pietro grumbles.

"i hate you both" sam says as he glares at the ceiling.

word count: ~1467

sorry, i decided that im gonna break this into another part since this is so long already. the suit is at the top, the medium gray is where the purple will be and the rest will be black, there will also be a hood where the inside will be the purple and outside will be black. ive been busy since we are renovating our home. we just got out our house painted, its now an off-white and dark blue! also stressed about school starting up but itll be ok. hope you enjoyed :)

philophobia // Bucky BarnesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora