ChapterTwo: Helping Kaidou Study

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*A day has passed since Kaidou had visited Saiki*

Saiki found himself thinking more and more about Kaidou. Was Saiki actually starting to love Kaidou?

In today's class Saiki had to dodge most of the popular girls again.

He sat in his classes, but he wasn't paying attention to the teachers at all. He was simply thinking about Kaidou's fluffy hair, how innocent and cute his smile was, and just generally how lovable Kaidou always was.

For Saiki's last class everyone needed a partner. Kaidou walked over to Saiki and put his hand on his shoulder. Saiki's face flushed pink, he hoped Kaidou wouldn't notice.

"Want to work with me?" Kaido asked kindly.
"Or course... I mean sure." Said Saiki, who was slightly panicking on the inside.

Kaidou just smiled brightly at him, and they soon got to work.

\\ Class was now over, and as Saiki walked home Kaidou came running up.//

"Is it okay if I come to your house again? I need help studying for a test and you're kinda smart." Said Kaidou.

Saiki pondered over this. Saiki had always tried to get as average grades as possible, and tried to be somewhat normal. But Saiki felt glad that he would be able to hang out with Kaido some more.

"Sure, but I'm—" Saiki said before Kaidou interrupted by hugging him tightly. Kaidou felt so warm, his skin felt so soft. Saiki felt even more flustered than before.

"Thank you so much for helping." Said Kaidou.
" problem." Replied Saiki.

\\ Timeskip to Saiki's room ///

"I never noticed how cool your room is!" Said Kaidou.
"Thanks!" Said Saiki happily.

"Now let's get to studying." Said Kaidou.
Saiki leaned closer to Kaidou's warmth. They studied for hours and hours yet Saiki didn't even care. Everything felt right with Kaidou around.

Eventually they studied for so long they both fell asleep at Saiki's desk. Saiki woke up through part of the night and moved Kaidou onto his bed.

Kaidou woke up in the early morning, still not fully aware of what was happening. Then it hit him. He was sleeping near Saiki. He had accidentally slept over!

Eventually Kaidou got over his surprise and hugged Saiki. Kaidou fell back into a deep sleep.

Saiki awoke with a start, only to feel Kaidou hugging him while sleeping!
"Psst wake up wake up." Said Saiki.
Kaidou blinked his eyes open.
"Ohh uhhh..." said Kaidou, clearly a little embarrassed.

After a long awkward silence, Kaidou got ready to go. Before Kaidou could walk out Saiki ran up and hugged him.

"See you soon! And thanks!" Said Kaidou as he was finally able to leave.

(Authors note: kinda gae not gonna lie lol)

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