ChapterThree: The Big Day

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Saiki woke up a little bit excited, today was the day of the big event. Hopefully he would get to spend more and more time with Kaidou. Saiki rolled out of his bed and got ready for the day.

//time skip again//

Saiki transported to the library using his powers, luckily nobody saw him. Saiki could hear exactly what Kaidou was thinking, and could tell that Kaidou was looking for him.

"Hello Kaidou, I'm over here." Said Saiki.
Kaidou hurried over towards him as if nothing else mattered. Kaidou was wearing very swaggy clothes that in fact looked very pog indeed.

"Let's goooo..." said Kaidou who practically dragged Saiki towards the center part of the library.

Books lined all the walls as far as the eye could see. In fact the whole library had a sweet, fresh scent. This place was still somewhat quiet even with the event going on.

"You may not know the is about me, but I actually like reading and writing. One day I hope to make my own books." Said Kaidou breaking the silence.

"I never knew that," said Saiki, deep in thought.

"I want to write about dark reunion, but that's not all." Said Kaidou.

Saiki read Kaidou's mind, he was thinking that writing would be the one way to express how he really thought and felt. Although Kaidou wasn't the best at everything he did have his moments, Saiki admitted.

"I think I know what you're talking about." Was all Saiki could manage to reply.

They easily fell into a  conversation while sitting at a small wooden table. Kaidou had gotten many free books about how to write, and several others.

Kaidou's mind half focused on the conversation, and half focused on Saiki himself. He always looked charming and admirable. No matter what Kaidou did he couldn't one hundred percent focused on anything when Saiki was in his sight. Everything about Saiki managed to grab Kaidou's attention.

He had perfect pink hair, cute green glasses, and an overall enchanting vibe.

Kaidou had never met someone so amazing. Was this what love felt like?
Kaidou pushed the thought away instantly, but still he wondered.....

"I've been thinking.." Said Kaidou, "If I started a small book club at school, would you join? I want your help with writing my story: The Jet Black Wings and How To Defeat The Dark Reunion!"

"I'm not sure, I want to but I'm not usually the type to join clubs. Seems like a lot of work." Said Saiki.

"That's fine, you don't have to go everyday, and besides it's not official yet. But hopefully soon I can get something started." Said Kaidou.

"I've made my mind up, I will help you!" Said Saiki.

"Really?! Thank you oh my gosh you have no idea how much that means to meeee!" Said Kaidou.

"It's no problem at all." Said Saiki trying to stop himself from getting flustered. He had planned to use his physic powers to the best of his ability to help Kaidou in any way possible. Nothing was going to get in the way of Kaidou's dreams.

(As the author of this story I can confirm it's very gae I diagnose them with da gae)

// timeskip//

Saiki had lost track of time, and they were supposed to leave by now. Saiki and Kaidou walked out of the library's wooden oak doors holding hands, unknowingly.

"I'm walking home, what about you?" Asked Kaidou.

"You're walking?? But it's such a long way! No way you're going alone." Said Saiki.

"You're going with me? Thank you." Said Kaidou in the most wholesome voice known to humanity.

Why is he so adorable, thought Saiki.

"No problem at all." He replied.

// They got to Kaidou's House//

Kaidou's mom invited them both in the house and brought them hot chocolate and cookies.

"It's fine with me if you stay over. It's nice to meet one of Kaidou's friends." Said his mom.

That settled it, there was no way Saiki could get out of sleeping at Kaidou's.

All the rest of the day Saiki spent his time playing video games with Kaidou, although Kaidou sucked it was still as fun as heck.

Eventually they both got tired and cuddled up on Kaidou's bed feeling happier than ever before.

This was the start of something new.

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