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third person POV

"Alright, then let's get going!" Amity exclaimed with excitement.

   "I have my car if we need it. I didn't pack much for our dorm so there's a lot of space for you."

   "We don't need a car to tour, and it should be a lot of walking. Do human colleges not have walking tours?"

   "They do, but it's easier by car, but I want to walk now that you say that."

   Amity took the human out of their dorm room and she started showing her the different areas of the dorm. Amity doesn't see why the human was so excited, she didn't think human college would be so different than witch college.

   Luz on the other hand, she was very observant. Witch college seemed cool to her, although to witches like Amity it was expected.

   "This is the cafeteria where we all eat and sorta head in for the mornings before class, or just any regular morning. they serve food from 6 - 11 in the morning depending on the type of classes you may have on the main campus." Amity described enthusiastically.

   "Nothing exciting, same like colleges back home are," the human thought to herself.

   "I mean its college, how different can the school structure be between the human realm and the witch realm?"

The human shrugs her shoulders.

"Isn't that what you're suppose to show me with this tour you're giving me Ms. Blight?" Luz becoming playful.

"Mm alright I'll keep that in mind human."

Amity loved this slickness the human started to concentrate into the tour. Almost like the perfect touch to ease the mood into a more comfortable setting considering how quickly they've met. She didn't mind though, it was quite flattering for her. New creature, new start for perfect Amity Blight

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Soon enough, the human started to complain.

"Ughh, out of all the places why do we have to be here? It's so boring," Luz mumbles.

   "I thought you liked reading?"

   "Unless you have a new Azura book or some spell book for humans, reading is pointless for me, especially in the demon realm."

   Luz felt out of place realizing her own words. The demon realm and a lot of other things in her mind were connection and contrasting how she felt before going to college. She used to be desperate for books to find a way back home, but gave up after she turned 16. She managed, but longed for some sort of connection with her own world.

    "I wouldn't call it pointless, there's a lot of historical events and other cool stuff that has happened since before the..."

   Amity continued while Luz zoned out as a memory began to replay in her mind. She remembers how she'd flip through pages and pages of worthless knowledge about the demon realm— well worthless to her.

   The library felt edgy for the human, and the longer they stayed in there the more she flashes back when she was with Eda.

   "Hey! Are you even listening? This is a part of the tour," Amity snapped.

   "Yeah yeah you kept talking about your boring reasons as to why the library is important and the historical events."

   "Okay, then name one of the events I told you about then hm human?"

   Luz felt an uneasiness as panic started to abrupt.

   "1978, paper eating mice were discovered to unleash films of what written work they ate, which lead to many modern discoveries," Luz put together from her memory.

   "1979, and I didn't tell you about the mice," Amity raised her eyebrow.

"It was 1978."

   Luz vividly remembers the books she used to desperately study for the unrealistic thought of
going home.

"Well, whether it was 1978 or 1979, how would you know? Didn't you just say reading was pointless for you?" Amity smirked with such remark.

"Well... I mean I've been living in the demon realm for a while, and Eda always had books."

Amity thought for a second, questioning her response. Was Eda's house that dirty to have mice? It wouldn't be a surprise to her, but those mice wouldn't have information like that.

"Is Luz lying to me?" She thought with an unsteady feeling. After all, they just barely met.

"I forget that you are a very curious human, slick and curious human."

   "Hey what's that suppose to mean?" Luz cracked with a smile.


   Things got quiet, Luz face began to heat up, questioning her response in her head.

   "Hey, let's go to a different part of the school, I bet you wanna see the magic we do." Amity quickly changed the subject.

   "OF COURSE I- i mean it's chill, you know magic is cool."

   They both walked out of the library, with both questions lingering on their minds. So strange, with two different minds and thoughts. Different bodies, different organs. Different.

hey! so i'm the author of the story, and i know i started this a while ago, but a LOT of serious events happened in my life october to now. i tore my ACL :/ and needed surgery and exams were in january. but i'm glad to be writing because it helps with the stress of life around me. i hope you like it!


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