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"They have already touched Guo Xiaoguang's line." Listening to the voice coming from the receiver, the man closed his eyebrows with his fingers, and before a moment, he put his hand down as if he had made a major decision.

"Destroy the evidence and do it cleanly."


Guo Xiaoguang moved in the tables and chairs outside the store, looked around with his head, and saw that there were not many people on the street, so he moved the sign in and closed the rolling shutter.

Only a dimly greasy light bulb was lit in the room. The old man was sitting on the bed, leaning on a cane next to him.

This bedroom converted from a utility room is narrow and cramped, and next to the kitchen, there is not much room for people to sit. Song Yuhang packed out a cardboard box, took off his coat on the mat, and let Lin Fan sit down. Then stand.

In order to make the transcript formal and reliable, she took out the recording pen and first showed her identity.

"Hello, I am Song Yuhang, the captain of the Criminal Investigation Division of the Jiangcheng Public Security Bureau. Next to me is Lin Wei, the chief prosecutor of the Technical Investigation Division of the Municipal Bureau. He was also a classmate of the deceased in the Fenyang Wharf Broken Body Case. I promise us The entire conversation will be taped, open and transparent, and we will properly keep this evidence, and will not use it for other purposes except as evidence in court."

When the old man heard her saying that Lin Fan was a classmate of the deceased, his lips moved, and tears suddenly rolled out of the blind part of his eyes.

"Fourteen years...Fourteen years...I finally waited for this day..."

"Mom, mom, don't get excited." Guo Xiaoguang sat on the bed, wiping away tears for his adoptive mother with the back of his hand.

Song Yuhang squatted down and held her hand: "You have worked so hard. Slowly learn what you know and tell us everything. We will return Zhu Yong's innocence."

The old man trembled his hands and wiped out tears: "Brother Yong...Brother Yong was wronged... It is impossible for him to kill anyone..."

Song Yuhang and Lin Wei looked at each other: "How do you say this?"

When asked about this, the old man's face showed a little embarrassment, but in order to find out the truth, she also gave up on this old face.

"At the time...you police all said that Brother Yong was retaliating for murder, because...because the deceased's father killed his wife, so, that's why he killed his daughter..."

The old man shook his head, his voice hoarse: "No, no...Brother Yong and Brother Yong have long missed his wife's death, but he has never had the courage...He is such a cowardly person... He usually talks about killing pigs for a long time... How is it possible to kill someone?"

Guo Xiaoguang's eyes were also a little red: "The police, media, lawyers at the time...no one wanted to listen to us. My dad was beaten into a murderer. He had high blood pressure himself, and it didn't take long for him to enter the detention center. He died of a cerebral hemorrhage."

Lin Fan looked at him with a little thoughtful look: "You and your biological mother..."

Guo Xiaoguang moved his throat and closed his eyes. Now that he thinks about it, he still feels painful.

"She is not worthy to be a mother."

In Guo Xiaoguang's intermittent narration, a somewhat deformed and embarrassing love in that era under the oppression of the world surfaced.

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