Chapter 3- texting

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(Mordecai's POV)
It's been two days since the bar interaction between me and Twilight, and I still haven't texted her. I'm so nervous that she'll either not be interested anymore, or that I'll fuck things up.

Well I'd rather get a chance at a new friend/lover, than never see her again because I was too much of a pussy.

(Twilight's POV)
    Well, it's been like two days since I met Mordecai at the bar, and he still hasn't texted me. I know I didn't give him the wrong number, so did he just forget about me? Did he just loose interest? Does he just not want to talk to me? Well fuck.

    As these possibilities run through my head I feel my phone buzz next to me.

Hey Twilight this is Mordecai from the bar the other night
                                Oh hi Mordecai! How are you
I'm doing really good hru
                                               So why'd you text me
I was wondering if you wanted to hang out
If you don't that's completely ok
                                                                    I'd love to
Great! So where should we hang out
                                             How about a park? I know a great one that's pretty close to me
Ok cool
So can you send me the address so I know where it is
                                                 Yea (insert address)
So how abt we meet up tomorrow at 4?
                                                Ok that sounds good
Ok well I'll see u tomorrow
                                                                        See ya

(Twilight's POV)
     I can't believe I'm hanging out with Mordecai tomorrow!!! The two day wait was worth it. I have to plan my outfit so I won't take too long to get ready. Maybe I should ask Rarity to help me. No! It's not a date. It's just two friends hanging out. Not a big deal. I should calm down.

(Mordecai's POV)
     Hell yeah! I get to see Twilight again. I really thought that it would be horrible to text her, or that she'd be pissed that I took two days. No! I know Twilight isn't like that. I hope tomorrow goes well.

~that's the next chapter. This one is really bad but I'm too lazy to change it. I should really write longer chapters but it takes so long. Props to all the other writers~

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